Generating Procurement Statistics

PeopleSoft Purchasing also provides you with the ability to view requisition, purchase order, and receipt statistics using the Procurement Statistics inquiry page. You will need to run the Procurement Statistics Application Engine process (PRCR_TXN_HIST) before you can view the purchasing statistics and transaction summaries.

This section provides an overview of the Procurement Statistics process and discusses how to run the Procurement Statistics process.

Page Name

Definition Name


Update Procurement Statistics Page


Set up run-control information for the Procurement Statistics process and run it. This process generates statistics for requisitions, purchase orders, and receipts.

Use this process to generate requisition, purchase order, and receipt statistics. This process will collect various counts of all requisitions and purchase orders, as well as receipt transactions that fall within the date range you specify on the run control request.

For requisitions, the requisition date (REQ_HDR.ENTERED_DT) is used to determine the documents that are included when calculating the statistics. Those requisitions whose entered date fall within the date range specified on the run control are included. Once the requisitions have been gathered, they are sorted by the period in which they fall. Once sorted, the number of requisitions, lines, and high and low amounts per period can be determined.

For purchase orders, the same process is used as that for requisitions except the purchase order date (PO_HDR.PO_DT) is used.

For receipts, the same process is used at that for requisitions except the receipt date (RECEIPT_DT) is used. The RECEIPT_DT on the RECV_HDR is used to group the receivers into periods based on the calendar associated with the reporting entity specified on the run control request.

Use the Update Procurement Statistics page (PRCR_TXN_HIST_RC) to set up run-control information for the Procurement Statistics process and run it.

This process generates statistics for requisitions, purchase orders, and receipts.


Purchasing, Analyze Procurement, Update Procurement Statistics

Field or Control


Reporting Entity ID

Select the reporting entity ID. This reporting identity determines:

  • The business units, purchase orders, requisitions, and receipt records to include in the statistical calculations.

  • The currency to convert monetary amounts to.

  • The periods to group purchase orders, requisitions, and receipt information.


Select this option if you want to select a date range relative to the current period. Selecting relative allows you to set up the run control once and when it executes, it will always pick up the defined number of periods relative to the period in which it was run. If you want to include specific periods, clear this option and select the specify option.

Start - Cur Period Minus (start - current period minus)

Eight (8) appears by default. Enter the number of periods prior to the current period you want to summarize transactions for.

End - Current Period Plus

Three (3) appears by default. Enter the number of periods ahead of the current period you want to summarize transactions for.


Select this option if you want to specify a start and end period. When this option is selected for the run control, you must change the periods specified each time the process is run in subsequent periods

Start Period and Start Year

Enter the start period and year you want to summarize transactions for.

The number of periods or specific period and year entered here must exist on the calendar tied to the reporting entity specified on the run control. If you enter a period or year not associated with the calendar for the reporting entity, the system will reset the period and year to what is on the calendar associated with the reporting entity.

End Period and End Year

Enter the end period and year you want to summarize transactions for.

The number of periods or specific period and year entered here must exist on the calendar tied to the reporting entity specified on the run control. If you enter a period or year not associated with the calendar for the reporting entity, the system will reset the period and year to what is on the calendar associated with the reporting entity.