Loading GPO Contracts

This section provides an overview of the load GPO contracts process and health care unit-of-measure conversion.

Page Name

Definition Name


Data Def Maint Page (data definition maintenance)


Review the enterprise integration point results for the GPO Manufacturer Price Load, GPO Distributor Price Load, and Item Loader processes.

GPO Load Maintenance Page(group purchasing organization load maintenance)


View a detail entry of the transaction enterprise integration point.

GPO Item Load Errors (group purchasing organization item load errors) Page


Correct any errors in the load process.

GPO Item Selection (group purchasing organization item selection) Page


Review and update any price changes, new items, or new units of measure. Approval is required to load this data.

Units of Measure Page


Enter any new units of measure loaded with the GPO contract.

GPO Load Manufacturer Price (group purchasing organization load manufacturer price) Page


Run the GPO Manufacturer Price Load process to load the manufacturer prices from the GPO Staging table into the item loader staging tables.

GPO Load Distributor Price Page(group purchasing organization load distributor price)


Run the GPO Distributor Price Load process to load distributor prices to the item loader staging tables. This process calculates the distributor price by increasing the manufacturer's price by the markup percentage from the GPO Distributor page.

Item Loader Data Maintenance Page


Access the Item Manufacturer GPO Errors page.

Item Mfg GPO Errors (item manufacturing group purchasing organization errors) Page


Correct any errors in the item loader staging tables before running the Item Loader process.

Item Loader Page


Run the Item Loader process, which loads the PeopleSoft application tables with the data in the item loader staging tables.

Item Manufacturer GPO (item manufacturer group purchasing organization) Page


View the manufacturer's price for the item. The price is stored by a combination of SetID, item ID, UOM, manufacturer ID, GPO ID, GPO contract number, and currency.

You can automatically load GPO contract prices into the PeopleSoft system. The data can be in the form of an XML file or a flat file. The GPO contract prices can be received directly from the GPO, the manufacturer, or the distributor.

Note: When the PeopleSoft system receives a transmission from a supplier, manufacturer, or distributor that uses the 832 Price List Load process, the system recognizes keys other than the PeopleSoft system item ID. These keys include the supplier item ID for the supplier on the transmission, manufacturer item ID for a manufacturer, or universal product number (UPN ID). If the system does not find an item ID for any of the keys, it automatically assigns a new item ID for the item.

See Running the Item Loader Process.

When GPO contract prices are loaded:

  • The manufacturer's price is inserted into the price per unit field on the Item Manufacturer GPO page.

  • (Optional) The item's standard price on the Purchasing Attributes page is updated with the manufacturer's price.

    Prices are loaded into the manufacturer item price tables.

  • New items are added that do not currently exist in the item master tables.

    These new items must be approved through the GPO Item Selection page.

Units of measure and conversion rates appear on the GPO Item Selection page for approval. If the unit of measure is not defined in the PeopleSoft system, you must add it manually using the Units of Measure page.

To load GPO contracts:

  1. Confirm that the GPO contract has been defined.

    See Defining GPO Contracts.

  2. Verify that the file contains the required data fields (SetID, Manufacturer ID, Manufacturer Item ID, GPO Contract Number, UOM, Price, and Price Effective Date).

  3. Process the enterprise integration point (EIP) for GPO contracts.

    The data is now stored in the GPO Staging table (GPO_ITM_EC).

  4. After this process is finished, you can check for errors by reviewing the Data Definition Maintenance page.

    If errors occurred, click the Show Detail Entry buttons to access the GPO Item Load Error page where you can correct the data.

    See Item Mfg GPO Errors (item manufacturing group purchasing organization errors) Page.

  5. Use the GPO Item Selection page to approve items and prices to load, to approve new items, and to approve new units of measure.

    Only items marked as approved create item loader staging records. To approve, select the row and save the page. For items that currently do not exist in the PeopleSoft system, enter an item category in the category code field. This enables the system to find necessary default data for the new item. Add any new units of measure using the Units of Measure page.

    See GPO Item Selection (group purchasing organization item selection) Page.

  6. Run the GPO Manufacturer Price Load Application Engine process (PO_GPOMFG_PR) to load the manufacturer prices from the GPO Staging table into the Item Loader staging tables.

    See GPO Load Manufacturer Price (group purchasing organization load manufacturer price) Page.

  7. Run the Item Loader process to put the data in the PeopleSoft production tables.

    On the Item Loader process page, select the Item Mfg GPO (item manufacturing group purchasing organization) option for the item load type.

  8. When the Item Loader process is complete, you can view the manufacturer prices on the Item Manufacturer GPO page.

    See Item Manufacturer GPO (item manufacturer group purchasing organization) Page.

  9. (Optional) Run the GPO Distributor Price Load Application Engine (PO_GPO_SUP_PR) process to load distributor prices into the Item Loader staging tables. (Manufacturer prices should be in the production tables before you run the GPO Distributor Price Load process.)

    See Calculating Distributor Prices.

  10. Run the Item Loader process again.

    This time the Item Loader process populates item and supplier tables with prices.

This diagram illustrates the data flow for loading GPO contract data:

GPO contract load data flow

Unlike the retail industry, which tracks point-of-sale data, health care providers need to capture usage data on units-of-use dispensed or applied at the point of care or point of use. Most medical products are packaged and sold in units of measure that primarily meet supply and replenishment needs, not point-of-use needs. Even in the replenishment process, the critical factor in meeting inventory needs and determining unit cost is validating the quantity of product units within a package.

A standard, unique unit-of-measure code for the unit of use provides more accurate usage tracking and establishes a basis for accurately measuring the quantity of products in a package. Unique health care UOMs also facilitate the update of price lists and item catalogs that the system transmits using electronic data interchanges or XML.

You can define the conversion between units of measure for inbound messages using the XML Mapper for UOMs. To set up mapping details for health care UOMs:

  1. Add specific health care-related units of measure.

    1. Access the Units of Measure page by selecting Setup Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Units of Measure.

    2. Add a new or select an existing unit of measure for which you want to define health care-related UOMs.

    3. Assign a default conversion rate between an UOM and a system unit of measure

      The system automatically calculates the inverse conversion rate.

  2. Establish the translation between UOMs for inbound messages using XML Mapper.

    XML Mapper enables you to map values between a database and an external trading partner database.

    1. Access the Define Map page by selecting SCM Integrations > XML Mapper > Define Maps.

      See Implementing XML Mapper.

    2. Select Map ID EXTERNAL_UOM, then select the Map Details tab.

      You use the tab to specify the map type detail. This includes mapping health care UOMs in inbound messages to system values.

This table describes the common use of health care units of measure:

Unit of Measure


Bag (BG)

A container in the form of a sack or pouch that is made from a flexible material, such as paper or plastic, for transporting and dispensing a portion of its contents. Contents can be individually packaged or subpackaged in, for example, packs, vials, or bottles.

Bottle (BO)

A medium-sized glass or plastic receptacle with an attached lid to contain and dispense a portion of its solid contents as needed.

Box (BX)

A small to midsized container in the form of a rectangular box made of cardboard that is used to enclose a smaller quantity of similar contents within a case or carton. Within a box, contents can be individually packaged or subpackaged, such as in a pack, bag, vial, or bottle.

Case (CA)

A large container in the form of a rectangular box used to protect a quantity of similar contents to be transported. Contents can be individually packaged or subpackaged, such as in a box, carton, or bottle.

Cassette (CS)

A small to midsized container in the form of a rectangular box that is used to enclose and transport a smaller quantity of dissimilar pharmaceutical products within a health care facility. Cassette is not commonly used as a packaging UOM in medical and surgical products. Instead, CS and CA (case) are used interchangeably.

Carton (CT)

A small to midsized container in the form of a rectangular box made of thin cardboard used to enclose a smaller quantity of similar contents within a case. Multiple cartons are in a case. Within a carton, contents can be individually packaged in smaller units.

Centimeter (CM)

Length (Centimeter (CM), Foot (FT), Inch (IN), Meters (M), Millimeter (MM), Yard (YD)) - A smaller unit of measure used as a dimensional unit to identify length.

Container (CN)

An enclosure in which a quantity of similar products and or materials are stored or contained.

Crate (CP)

A wooden or synthetic enclosure that protects multiple packages or a single piece of equipment.

Dozen (DZ)

A box that is used to enclose a smaller quantity of similar suture products within a box. Within a dozen, the quantity of sutures is 12 each. Dozen is used only with suture products.

Drum (DR)

A large container of a single product that is used to package a product for transporting. A product is typically a liquid that is measured in a sub-UOM of gallons such as a 55-gallon drum.

Each (EA)

An individual, single package in a quantity of one that comprises quantity counts of all larger packages.

Foot (FT)

Length (Centimeter (CM), Foot (FT), Inch (IN), Meters (M), Millimeter (MM), Yard (YD)).

Gallon (GA), Liter (LT), Quart (QT), and Pint (PT)

A larger unit of volume or capacity that is used to measure or contain and transport liquids.

Gram (GM)

Weight (Pound (LB), Gram (GM), Kilogram (KG), Milligram (ME)) - A smaller unit of measure that is used as a dimensional unit to identify weight.

Gross (GR)

A small to midsized container in the form of a rectangular box or tray made of cardboard that is used to enclose a smaller quantity of similar contents. Within a gross, the quantity of contents is defined at 144.

Inch (IN)

Length (Centimeter (CM), Foot (FT), Inch (IN), Meters (M), Millimeter (MM), Yard (YD)) - A smaller unit of measure that is used as a dimensional unit to identify length.

Jar (JR)

A large-sized glass or plastic receptacle with an attached lid to contain and dispense a portion of its contents as needed.

Kilogram (KG)

Weight (Pound (LB), Gram (GM), Kilogram (KG), Milligram (ME)) - A smaller unit of measure that is used as a dimensional unit to identify weight.

Kit (KT)

A packaged set of related (not similar) products that is used in performing a procedure or test, such as an IV start kit. Multiples are never in a kit. You do something with a kit.

Meter (M)

Length (Centimeter (CM), Foot (FT), Inch (IN), Meters (M), Millimeter (MM), Yard (YD)) - A smaller unit of measure that is used as a dimensional unit to identify length.

Milligram (ME)

Weight (Pound (LB), Gram (GM), Kilogram (KG), Milligram (ME)) - A smaller unit of measure that is used as a dimensional unit to identify weight.

Milliliter (ML)

Volume (Ounce (OZ), Milliliter (mil)) - A smaller unit of measure that is used as a dimensional unit to identify volume.

Millimeter (MM)

Length (Centimeter (CM), Foot (FT), Inch (IN), Meters (M), Millimeter (MM), Yard (YD)) - A smaller unit of measure that is used as a dimensional unit to identify length.

Ounce (OZ)

Volume (Ounce (OZ), Milliliter (mil)) - A smaller unit of measure that is used as a dimensional unit to identify volume.

Pack (PH)

Pack (PH) - A small package made of paper or plastic containing a predetermined number (1 through 10) of identical products packaged for dispensing the entire contents.

Package (PK)

An intermediate level of packaging that is normally used interchangeably within the medical supply chain with Box (BX).

Pair (PR)

An each consisting of two products, similar in form or function and matched or associated, such as a pair of gloves or shoes.

Pallet (PLT)

A portable platform for moving cargo or freight such as a case, carton, or box.

Piece (PC)

A UOM identifying and counting disparate (not identical) product units within the smallest Unit of Packaging.

Parts (N7)

A descriptor that indicates that the package contains dissimilar pieces, packages, or product units assembled for a particular application or list of pieces needed to meet a prescribed need.

Pound (LB)

Weight (Pound (LB), Gram (GM), Kilogram (KG), Milligram (ME)} - A smaller unit of measure that is used as a dimensional unit to identify weight.

Ream (RM)

A packaging unit for multiple sheets of a given paper good packaged for transporting. The contents level would contain the quantity of the contents with a UOM of SH.

Roll (RL)

A packaging unit in which a product is rolled up in the form of a cylinder, such as a roll of tape.

Set (ST)

A group of products of the same kind (not alike) that belong together and are so used, such as surgical knives. A procedure or test cannot be performed solely with a set.

Sheet (SH)

A piece of paper product, such as copy paper or labels.

Tray (TY)

A flat, shallow receptacle with a raised edge or rim used for carrying, holding, or displaying its contents. In health care, it is used to transport and dispense a portion of its contents as needed.

Tube (TB)

A small, flexible, cylindrical container sealed at one end and having a screw cap at the other.

Unit (UN)

A unit-of-use or dimensional unit of measure for product counts within the smallest Unit of Packaging.

Vial (VI)

A small-sized glass or plastic receptacle with an attached lid to contain and dispense a portion of its liquid contents as needed.

Yard (YD)

Length (Centimeter (CM), Foot (FT), Inch (IN), Meters (M), Millimeter (MM), Yard (YD)) - A smaller unit of measure that is used as a dimensional unit to identify length.

Use the service operation ITEM_MFG_GPO_LOAD to load the GPO contract data into the GPO Staging table (GPO_ITM_EC). This inbound service operation performs the basic validation and assigns the default values.

Before you can use the ITEM_MFG_GPO_LOAD EIP, you must set up the service operation within PeopleSoft Integration Broker and Enterprise components.

Use the information in the following table and refer to the setup instructions in the PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management Integration 9.2 Documentation.

Service Operation

Direction and Type


Chunking Available

Integration With






third-party system

Note: To load a flat file, use the PeopleSoft data integration utilities for mapping. For loading flat files into the service operation, use the Inbound File Publish Application Engine process (EOP_PUBLISHF).

Service Operation Fields

The service operation contains these fields:





























See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Integration Broker

Use the GPO Item Load Errors (group purchasing organization item load errors) page (GPO_ITM_EC) to correct any errors in the load process.


Click the GPO Details button on the GPO Load Maintenance page.

After the EIP process is finished, you can check for errors by reviewing the Data Definition Maintenance page. If errors occurred, access the GPO Item Load Error page, where you can correct the data.

Common errors include missing data and data that could not be validated in the PeopleSoft system, such as an incorrect manufacturer ID. The data displayed is located in the GPO Staging table (GPO_ITM_EC). Use this page to correct data or add missing information.

Use the GPO Item Selection (group purchasing organization item selection) page (GPO_ITM_SELECT) to review and update any price changes, new items, or new units of measure.

Approval is required to load this data.


  • SCM Integrations > Create Transactions > GPO Item Selection

  • Click the GPO Item Selection link on the GPO Load Maintenance page.

Use the GPO Item Selection page to approve the items for loading into the PeopleSoft system. This page displays the items in the GPO staging table that do not have an error status. When you approve a line, the approval flag is set to Yes. Only lines that you approve on this page are available for further processing. This approval step exists for a number of reasons. The approval step enables you to:

  • Select items for the organization.

    Group purchasing organizations may send pricing information for many items that are not purchased by the organization. Use this page to approve the items to load into the PeopleSoft tables.

  • Add new items in PeopleSoft software.

    Occasionally, an item appears that does not currently exist in the PeopleSoft item tables. To add this item to the PeopleSoft system, enter an item category code and approve the item.

  • Review current and effective-dated pricing for the items displayed.

    Prices displayed on this page are loaded into the PeopleSoft system only if the line is approved.

  • Review new units of measure.

    Units of measure that do not currently exist in the PeopleSoft system must be manually added to the Units of Measure page, then approved on this page.

  • Verify or change the conversion rate.

To review and approve an item:

  1. Enter values in the SetID, Manufacturer ID, GPO ID, and GPO Contract fields.

    These are required entries before you initiate a search.

  2. (Optional) Select a manufacturer (item) category.

    If you are loading a large GPO contract, selecting a manufacturer (item) category can reduce the display to a reasonable size.

  3. (Optional) Use the Item Selection field to narrow the search to lines with or without PeopleSoft item IDs.

    Users can select items without a PeopleSoft item ID. This feature enables users to identify and update items that need additional information to pass through the Item Loader process without error.

  4. Click the Search button.

    The system displays the data that matches the search criteria in the Item Details group box.

  5. To approve an item, select the Sel check box and click the Approve button.

    The Select All link enables you to quickly select all displayed items.

Field or Control


SetID,Manufacturer ID, andGPO ID (group purchasing organization ID)

Select values that you want to use to search for GPO contract items. These fields are required for the search. When you enter values for the fields, a correlation must exist among the entries. For example, a GPO ID must have been created for the SetID and manufacturer ID combination to be available for input in the GPO ID field.

GPO Contract (group purchasing organization contract)

Select a GPO contract. GPO contracts enable you to record and use contract pricing negotiated by group purchasing organizations on behalf of an organization. You can record the GPO contract within the PeopleSoft system by loading the contract and then accepting only the contract items used by the organization. A contract must have been created for the SetID, Manufacturer ID, and GPO ID combination to be available for the GPO Contract field.

Manufacturer Category

Select a category. The manufacturer category is the manufacturer's category for the item.

Item Selection

Select the type of contract item search results that you want to display in the Item Details grid box. Values include:

Show Items with Item ID: Select to view only those items with item IDs.

Show Items with no Item ID:Select to view only items that do not have an item ID. When you select this value, the system makes the Item ID field unavailable for entry.

Show all Items: Select to view all item IDs.

Item ID

Select an item ID or a range of item IDs. The system provides operands for you to limit the search. For example, you can search for a single item or search for all items between item 200000 and item 200020. This field is available when you select Show all Items or Show Items with Item IDs in the Item Selection field.

Manufacturer Item ID

Select a manufacturer item ID or range of IDs that you want to include in the search criteria. The system uses the values in the GPO_ITM_EC record for the search.


Select a description on which to base the search.


Click to search for contract items that match the selection criteria that you entered.


Select an item category code that you want to apply to multiple rows of data in the Item Details grid. After selecting a category, click the Apply Category Code button to place the code in the Category Code column for the rows of data that you select using the Sel check box.

Apply Category Code

Click to apply the category code that you entered in the Category field to the rows of data that you have selected in the Item Details grid.


Select the Item tab.

Field or Control


Sel (select)

Select to indicate that you want the selected rows of data to either be approved when you click the Approve button or have the category code applied in the Category Code column when you click the Apply Category Code button.


Appears as selected when the Sel check box has been selected for a row and the row is approved. The system validates the items and updates the selected items to approved. After the lines are approved, the rows are unavailable for entry and you cannot make further changes to the approved lines.

Mfg Category (manufacturing category)

Displays the manufacturer's item category from the GPO price list.

Mfg Item ID (manufacturing item ID)

Displays the manufacturer item ID.

Item ID

Displays this check box to include this item.


Displays the item information that has been loaded from message data.

Category Code

Enter the code that represents a specific category code. Category codes are user-defined codes that you customize to handle the tracking and reporting requirements of your organization. When you save the page, the system saves the category codes on the GPO_ITM_EC record. If a category already exists on the record, the system overrides the existing value.

UOM (unit of measure)

Displays how the item is measured.

Base UOM (base unit of measure)

Enter the base unit of measure by which this item is measured.

Conversion Rate

Enter a conversion factor by which you want to convert one UOM to another. A UOM conversion changes the way that an item is measured. To do this, the system uses a conversion factor. This is a number or factor that is applied to a quantity with one UOM to convert it to a quantity with another UOM.


Select the Price tab.

Field or Control


Price Per Unit

Displays the price per unit retrieved from the transmission message.

Currency Code

Displays the currency code used with this GPO item.

Current price per unit

Enter the current unit price. If this item and supplier combination already exists, the system populates the Current price per unit field with the current item supplier price for the UOM. This provides a quick comparison of the price change.

Price Effective Date

Displays the date on which this GPO item price is effective. The system uses the value from the transmission message to populate the field.

Price Expiration Date

Displays the date on which this GPO item price expires. The system uses the value from the transmission message to populate the field.

Use the GPO Load Manufacturer Price (group purchasing organization load manufacturer price) page (RUN_GPO_MFG_PRICE) to run the GPO Manufacturer Price Load process to load the manufacturer prices from the GPO Staging table into the item loader staging tables.


SCM Integrations > Process Transactions > Items > GPO Load Manufacturer Price

This process populates the Item Loader staging tables that are required for supplying the manufacturer price. The tables populated include:







The process also loads the item loader staging record, ITEM_MFG_GPO_EC.

Field or Control


Update Standard Purchase Price

Select to insert the manufacturer's price (from the external file) as the standard price in the Purchasing Attributes table (PUR_ITM_ATTR_EC).

When you run the item loader again, the loader updates these tables:







Use the Item Mfg GPO Errors (item manufacturing group purchasing organization errors) page (IN_EIPITM_MFG_GPO) to correct any errors in the item loader staging tables before running the Item Loader process.


Click the Item Mfg GPO link on the Item Loader Data Maintenance page.

Use this page to correct errors after prices have been loaded for manufacturers and distributors. Corrections entered here will be entered into the Item Loader Staging tables.

See GPO Load Manufacturer Price (group purchasing organization load manufacturer price) Page.

See GPO Load Distributor Price (group purchasing organization load distributor price) Page.

Use the Item Manufacturer GPO (item manufacturer group purchasing organization) page (ITM_MFG_GPO) to view the manufacturer's price for the item.

The price is stored by a combination of SetID, item ID, UOM, manufacturer ID, GPO ID, GPO contract number, and currency.


Items > Define Items and Attributes > Define Item > General

Click the Manufacturers link on the Define Item - General page.

Click the GPO Pricing link on the Manufacturer's Item page.

Field or Control


Price Per Unit

Displays the manufacturer's price. This price can be loaded from an external file or manually updated. The manufacturer's price is increased by the distributor's markup percentage to obtain the purchase price.