Receiving Items by Amount

You can receive items by amount rather than quantity. In some cases, receipt quantities for services may be difficult to calculate, whereas receipt amounts for services may be more easily calculated over the life of a purchase order or contract. As phases of the job are completed, you can receive and pay for services in partial amounts, rather than in quantities. This functionality also enables partial receipts, which accommodates the possibility that it may take several receipts to complete a service or project worth a large monetary amount.

When the Amount Only check box is selected on the associated contract or purchase order, the quantity field for the transaction is set to 1 and made unavailable for entry. The amount of the transaction row is entered in the price field. For amount-only transaction lines, the open amount and prior received amount are calculated instead of the open quantity and prior received quantity.

The distribution method for amount-only transactions is always by amount.

Amount Only transactions are always associated with a purchase order and cannot be an inventory-related transaction (targeted for an inventory business unit). The Amount Only functionality is not available for non-purchase order transactions, barcode receiving, inspections, and returns to vendor.