Reconciling Payments for Vendor Rebates

This section discusses how to reconcile payments for vendor rebates.

Note: The Payment Reconcile page is used to initiate the payment reconciliation process outside of the claims management workbench. You can also initiate the payment reconciliation process directly from the Claims Management Workbench - Claim Details page.

Page Name

Definition Name


Incoming Payment Reconcile Page


Initiate the Payment Reconcile Application Engine process (PO_CLMRECON).

Use the Incoming Payment Reconcile page (VRBT_PYMT_RECON_RC) to initiate the Payment Reconcile Application Engine process (PO_CLMRECON).


Purchasing > Vendor Rebates > Vendor Rebate Claims > Incoming Payment Reconcile

Field or Control


Incoming Payment Recon Option (incoming payment reconciliation option)

Select the reconciliation option. Values are:

  • All Rebate IDs: Select to reconcile incoming payments for all vendor rebate agreements. After you select this option, select the specific SetID that you want to process using the SetID field.

  • Specific Claim ID: Select to reconcile incoming payments for a specific claim ID. After you select this option, select the specific SetID, rebate ID, and claim ID that you want to process using the SetID, Rebate ID, and Claim ID fields.

  • Specific Rebate Agreement: Select to reconcile incoming payment for a specific rebate agreement. After you select this option, select the specific SetID and rebate ID that you want to process using the SetID and Rebate ID fields.

Note: If you do not have unrestricted access, then you can select only the claim IDs and rebate IDs that apply to your user ID. If you have unrestricted access, you can select any claim ID or rebate ID regardless of user ID.

Accounting Date

(Optional) Select an accounting date that you want to apply for this incoming payment reconciliation process. This date overrides the accounting date for the vendor rebate agreement.