Reconciling RTV Transactions

This section provides an overview of the RTV Reconciliation process and discusses the page used to reconcile RTV transactions.

Page Name

Definition Name


Reconcile RTVs Page


Initiate the RTV Reconciliation process, which evaluates and updates RTV header record statuses.

The RTV Reconciliation Application Engine process (PO_RTVRECON) reviews the status of RTV line records to evaluate and update the RTV header record status. The process compares the shipped quantities for the RTV line records to determine whether all of the returned quantities for all of the lines have been shipped. If the shipped quantity equals the return quantity on every line, the process changes the header status to Shipped.

Note: If you process either a return for credit or a return for exchange action for a contract line item, and the purchase order or purchase order receipt references that contract, the RTV Reconciliation process updates the line amount and quantity to reflect the return.

If you process either a return for credit or a return for exchange action for a contract category line, and the original purchase order, either the purchase order selected or the purchase order associated with the receipt selected on the RTV document, references that contract category line, the RTV Reconciliation process updates the category released amount and quantity to reflect the return.

If you process either a return for credit or a return for exchange action for a contract with open references, and the purchase order or purchase order receipt references those open contract references, the RTV Reconciliation process updates the open item reference amount.

The RTV Reconciliation process updates the contract total amount once the RTV line status changes to Shipped.

If the return action on the RTV line is Exchange, an attempt is made to find the purchase order line schedule that contains the exchanged goods. If it is found and the goods on the RTV line have been shipped, the RTV line is eligible for closing. If the purchase order line schedule is not found, the RTV line is not closed.

After the RTV header status changes to Shipped, the process changes the header, line, and schedule statuses to Closed. If the supplier return was against an asset receipt and an adjustment voucher is not being created, an asset retirement transaction is written to the interface table in PeopleSoft Asset Management. In the event the original asset receipt transaction in the interface table has not been processed by PeopleSoft Asset Management, the return quantity is deducted from the original receipt quantity instead of creating a retirement transaction.

Once the RTV IDs status changes to Closed, the RTV record is no longer available to update. You can still view the return using the RTV inquiry pages.