Reviewing Processing Rules for the Change Purchase Order Process

In addition to ensuring that the changed fields are valid change order fields, the Change Purchase Order process follows these rules when generating change orders.

Status-Related Rules

These are the status-related rules for the Change Purchase Order process:

  • Purchase orders in initial, pending, cancel, or canceled status are not eligible for change requests.

  • You can request only that the purchase order status be changed to X (canceled).

    You cannot request that the purchase order status change to approved, completed, or dispatched. However, the process may change it to approved, pending approval, or open.

  • The only change allowed against a schedule that is associated with a work order is Cancel.

  • A change request cannot activate or close a line or schedule.

  • The affected purchase order is set to In Process (PO_HDR.IN_PROCESS_FLG = Y), so no online activity can take place while the background change process is running.

  • Purchase order status is set according to the rules that are defined on the PO Changes page.

    The system uses the PO_APPROVAL table primarily for workflow approvals.

    • APPROVAL_STATUS on the PO_APPROVAL table is set to A if PO_STATUS is A.

    • APPROVAL_STATUS on the PO_APPROVAL table is set to I if PO_STATUS is O or PA.

Validation Rules

These are the validation rules for the Change Purchase Order process:

  • The change request process assumes that a valid date is passed to it.

  • Fields are edited against the prompt or translate values that are specified in the record layout.

    Where a percentage edit table is specified in the record layout, the field is edited against the entire table.

  • Validation against the Supplier and Item tables, to ensure that the UOM and ship to location are valid for that supplier or item, does not occur.

Cancellation Rules

These are the cancellation rules for the Change Purchase Order process:

  • If you cancel a purchase order, all lines and schedules are canceled, with change records created for each line and schedule.

    If you cancel a purchase order line, all schedules are canceled, and the system creates change records for each schedule.

  • If you try to create a change order to cancel a line or a schedule that has already been partially or fully received, the system rejects the transaction.

  • The only active schedule for a line cannot be canceled.

Price Change Rules

These are the price change rules for the Change Purchase Order process:

  • You cannot change a price to 0 unless the zero price indicator is set to Y.

  • If you change the price, the system does not perform a price calculation.

  • If you change the item ID, UOM, due date, purchase order quantity, or ship to location, the system recalculates the price and, if necessary, the currency is converted.

  • The system only reprices changed schedules.

    For example, if pricing is done at the line-quantity level and a schedule-quantity change affects the price break, only that schedule receives the new price. The system does not force change requests for other schedules on the line.

Quantity Change Rules

These are the quality change rules for the Change Purchase Order process:

  • The change order quantity becomes the updated quantity on the purchase order.

    The change order quantity is not the quantity by which the prior quantity is increased or decreased.

  • If a unit of measure changes with the change request, the system adjusts the quantity appropriately.

Distribution and Schedule Adjustment Rules

These are the distribution and schedule adjustment rules for the Change Purchase Order process:

  • If the schedule quantity or amount changes, the distributions are updated by prorating the revised schedule quantity or amount across all distributions, using the distribution percent.

    This is true regardless of whether the distributions have been received.

  • If a distribution quantity or merchandise amount is updated, the distributions are rebalanced to ensure that they add up to the schedules.

Conversion Rate Rules

These are the conversion rate change rules for the Change Purchase Order process:

When you create a purchase order, the system updates this field if the conversion rate changes under these conditions:

  • UOM or item ID changes.

  • PeopleSoft Inventory is not installed and a change is made to the purchase order price or quantity.

  • PeopleSoft Inventory is installed and you change the purchase order price or quantity, and the run control option Use Current UOM Conv Rate indicates that you are to use the new conversion rate.

Contract-Related Rules

If a contract is specified on the purchase order and a quantity changes, the system updates the contract release amounts and quantities. If a supplier minimum or maximum is not met or a currency conversion fails when pricing, the system issues an error message.

Tax-Related Rules

These are the tax-related rules for the Change Purchase Order process:

  • The system updates the value-added tax (VAT) amounts and sales and use tax amounts as appropriate.

  • If you change the ship to ID, it doesn't cause a change to the sales and use tax base ID.

BackOrder Rules

If a backorder is created for the purchase order through the supplier-facing acknowledgement component, the Change Purchase Order process automatically inserts the backorder schedule onto the purchase order and assigns the original schedule number to the BCKORD_ORG_SCHED field.

Also, for backorders created through the supplier portal, the system populates PO_LINE_SHIP_EC.BCKORD_ORG_SCHED with the original backorder schedule number.

Split PO by Ship To Rules

The Use One Ship To setting on the PO Header determines whether or not the PO should be restricted to a single Ship To Location. If the PO is identified as only allowing for one Ship To Location and the current change request is to update one of the Ship To Locations so that there ends up being a mix of Ship To Locations on the PO:

  • If the Approve Change Requests page is being utilized, a message will appear indicating that the change of Ship To Location will result in a mix of Ship To Locations on the PO.

  • If approved, the PO Change Order process will proceed with the update of the PO with the new Ship To Location.

  • After updating the Ship To Location as usual, the process will proceed to update the PO Header 'Use One Ship To' setting to 'N' to signify that the PO now allows for multiple Ship To Locations

  • The process will then update the Change Request Message Log with a message reflecting the Ship To situation

  • Lastly, the PO Change Order process will issue an Enterprise Components Notification Framework message to the Buyer stating that the PO changed from only allowing one Ship To Location to allowing multiple Ship To Locations so the Buyer can be reminded to take action on the PO if they wish.