Selecting RTV Source Details

Use the Select Source Details pages to retrieve and choose the distribution information against which you are returning a product. The appropriate distribution selection page opens to display the distribution line information that corresponds to the current purchase order or receipt line. This enables the RTV process to accurately credit the appropriate distributions.

If the receipt has already been moved to PeopleSoft Inventory or PeopleSoft Asset Management, the appropriate source selection page displays lot, serial, and asset information to help you identify the correct receipt. If you are returning against a serialized receipt, select the serial ID being returned.

The returned quantity can be split across multiple purchase order or receiving distribution lines. If there is only one distribution, you do not need to access this page. The distribution is automatically selected from the originating transaction and you can click the RTV Details link to access the Distribution Details page.

To access the appropriate Select Source Details page, click the Select Source Details link on the Return to Vendor page.

The page you access depends on what you are returning against:

  • If you are returning against a purchase order distribution, the Select Purchase Order Distribution page appears.

  • If you are returning against a receipt that is a noninventory receipt, the Select Receipt Distribution page appears.

  • If you are returning against an inventory-related receipt, the Select Receipt Assets page appears.

Once the appropriate purchase order or receipt distribution records are selected, you can enter the return quantity on the Distribution Details page.