Staging Standard Delivered Bank Format Statements

This section discusses how to run the ProCard Data Loader Application Engine process (PO_CCPRDSTG).

Page Name

Definition Name


ProCard Stage Page


Load the bank statement (transactions) into the staging tables using the ProCard Data Loader process. If the data source is VISA, it triggers the PO_CCVISA subprocess to load the Visa Commercial Format compliant data file.

If the data source is US Bank, it triggers the PO_CCUSBANK subprocess to load the US Bank compliant data file.

If the data source is US Bank 4.0, it triggers the PO_CCVISA subprocess to load the US Bank 4.0 compliant data file.

If the data source is MasterCard, it triggers the PO_CCMC subprocess to load the MasterCard Custom Data Format compliant data file.

Use the ProCard Stage page (RUN_CC_PCRDSTG) to load the bank statement (transactions) into the staging tables using the ProCard Data Loader process.

If the data source is VISA, it triggers the PO_CCVISA subprocess to load the Visa Commercial Format compliant data file. If the data source is US Bank, it triggers the PO_CCUSBANK subprocess to load the US Bank compliant data file. If the data source is US Bank 4.0, it triggers the PO_ CCVISA subprocess to load the US Bank 4.0 Visa compliant data file. If the data source is MasterCard, it triggers the PO_CCMC subprocess to load the MasterCard Custom Data Format compliant data file.


Purchasing > Procurement Cards > Process Statements > Load PCard Stage > ProCard Stage

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the ProCard Stage page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

ProCard Stage page

Field or Control


Card Issuer

Select the credit card supplier that issues the credit card.

Data Source

Select to determine what file layout to use. If the bank statement is in VISA Commercial Format, then you should select VISA Commercial Format. If the bank statement is in US Bank format, then you should select USBank Layout or US Bank 4.0 Layout. If the bank statement is in MasterCard format, then you should select MasterCard Custom Data Format.

Note: You can load transactions from the US Bank 4.0 Layout data source as well. The US Bank 4.0 Layout has the similar file layout as the VISA card.

File Name

Select the Attachment icon and upload the required file. To delete a file, select the Delete icon.

Note: The Run button is enabled only after you add an attachment. The button is disabled if the field is empty.

Billing Date

Today's date appears by default. Select the billing date to use for staging the statements.

Note: This field is only available for the Visa Commercial Format data source.

Load Level 3 Data

This field selection appears by default from the Card Issuer page. It is display only and cannot be modified on this page.

Note: This check box only appears for Visa Commercial Format and the Master Card Custom Data Format data sources.