Understanding the Vendor Rebate Analysis Workbench

The vendor rebate analysis workbench is a tool that is used to assist rebate managers with vendor rebate analysis. Using the vendor rebate analysis workbench, a rebate manager can:

  • Manage earned rebates by keeping track of rebate allocations among sales organizations.

  • Analyze accumulative purchases and earned rebates for each vendor rebate agreement, which includes details of open purchase orders, receipts, and vouchers that have been associated with the vendor rebate agreement.

  • View the next rebate level approaching a threshold.

  • View transactional information from accrued rebate details.

  • Generate reports of threshold analysis and open purchase order information.

  • Extract accrued rebate transaction data to a flat file.

Note: The accuracy of the rebate information that is available for vendor rebate analysis depends on the Rebate Accrual process and how often you perform that process. The volume of information to be processed by the Rebate Accrual process can be very large and the processing time could take awhile. You should determine an appropriate frequency for the run of the process so that business requirements are met and the process is able to finish in a reasonable amount of time.

Vendor Rebate Analysis Process

To use the vendor rebate analysis workbench:

  1. Select the vendor rebate agreements that you want to include for analysis using the Vendor Rebate Analysis Workbench - Workbench Filter Options page.

  2. View claim and rebate summary activity using the Vendor Rebate Analysis Workbench page.

  3. Perform additional vendor rebate analysis.

    1. Select one or more of the vendor rebate agreements that you want to perform additional analysis processing for by selecting the check box next to each vendor rebate agreement in the List of supplier Rebates group box on the Vendor Rebate Analysis Workbench page.

    2. Select the type of additional processing that you want to perform for the supplier rebates using the Select Row For field on the Vendor Rebate Analysis Workbench page.

      Select Threshold & Time Period Anly (threshold and time period analysis) to perform a threshold and time period analysis for the supplier rebates that you selected.

      Select PO Not Received Report to generate the PO Not Received report for the supplier rebates that you selected.

      Select Rebate Threshold Report to generate the Rebate Threshold report for the supplier rebates selected.

      Select Extract Accrued Dtls to File (extract accrued details to file) to generate a flat file containing the accrued details for the vendor rebates that you selected.

    3. Select the time period to be used for the threshold and time period analysis using the View Results by Time Period field on the Vendor Rebate Analysis Workbench page.

      Note: Time period is applicable only for the threshold and time period analysis.

    4. Click the OK button on the Vendor Rebate Analysis Workbench page.

    5. View the information that is rendered by the processing action that you requested.

      The process that you requested in the Select Row For field determines what page appears next.

      Use the Vendor Rebate Analysis Workbench - Rebate Threshold Analysis page to view the vendor rebate threshold and time period analysis for the supplier rebates that you selected.

      Use the supplier Rebate Analysis Workbench - PO Not Received Report page to generate the PO Not Received report for the supplier rebates that you selected.

      Use the supplier Rebate Analysis Workbench - Rebate Threshold Report page to generate the Rebate Threshold report for the supplier rebates that you selected.

      Use the supplier Rebate Analysis Workbench - Flat File Extraction on Rebate Transactions page to generate a flat file of the accrued details for the supplier rebates that you selected.

  4. (Optional) Save this version of the supplier Rebate Analysis Workbench for use at a later date by clicking the Save Workbench button on the supplier Rebate Analysis Workbench page.