Understanding U.S. Federal G-Invoicing Processing

The U.S. Federal Government Department of the Treasury implemented the G-Invoicing system to manage intra-governmental (IGT) buy sell transactions. IGT transactions result from business activities conducted between two federal entities known as trading partners. G-Invoicing provides a common platform for all IGT Buy/Sell activity.

G-Invoicing supports all four stages of the IGT Buy/Sell transaction lifecycle:

  • General Terms and Conditions (GT&C): Identify the general terms that govern Buy/Sell trades between the Requesting Agency and the Selling Agency, including roles and responsibilities for both agencies to ensure effective management of the interagency agreement.

  • Orders: Specifies the quantity of goods or services ordered.

  • Performance: Goods/services are delivered/performed by the Selling Agency and received by the Requesting Agency.

  • 7600EZ: This business process allows direct vouchering by the supplier and eliminates the entry of an order in the G-Invoicing system. Note that a purchase order can still be used in the PeopleSoft business process but will not reference a G-Invoicing order.

  • Funds Settlement: Funds are transferred directly between G-Invoicing and the Federal government Intragovernmental Payment and Collection system (IPAC).

PeopleSoft provides only Buying Agency integration with the U.S. Federal Government G-Invoicing system.

G-Invoicing Process

G-Invoicing Process

PeopleSoft Purchasing supports the Requesting Agency’s Procure-to-Pay business process for G-Invoicing with the following functionality:

  • GT&C:

    • GT&C API pulls a select set of GTC fields in from the G-Invoicing system.

    • G-Invoicing View GTC inquiry is used to view data that is stored from the inbound interface.

    • The GTC number can be referenced on the PeopleSoft purchase order header and is a key data point that identifies the purchase order is related to G-Invoicing.

  • Orders:

    • Orders API pulls a list of Orders from the G-Invoicing system.

    • G-Invoicing View Order inquiry is used to view data that is stored from the inbound interface.

    • The Order number can be referenced on PeopleSoft purchase header and is a key data point that identifies the purchase order is related to G-Invoicing. G-Invoicing Order line and schedule information must also be referenced and tie exactly with the G-Invoicing order information.

  • Performance:

    • Performance APIs are used to pull and push data between PeopleSoft Purchasing and G-Invoicing.

    • G-Invoicing View Performance inquiry is used to view Delivered/Performed transactions which originate from the Seller as well as Received/Accepted transactions which originate from the Requesting Agency.

    • Delivered/performed performance transactions can be automatically created in Purchasing as Advanced Shipping Notices and then receipts before creating vouchers in Payables. The receipts are sent back to G-Invoicing through push API as Received/Accepted transactions.

    • Evaluated Receipt Settlement (ERS) can be leveraged if enabled for the Purchase Order to automatically create PO Vouchers.

    See U.S. Federal G-Invoicing Processing for information on how Advances are handled.

  • 7600EZ

    • It primarily supports the high volume of transactions for the General Services Administration (GSA) and the Government Publishing Office (GPO).

    • The GTC number can be referenced on the PeopleSoft purchase order header and is a key data point that identifies the purchase order is related to 7600EZ G-Invoicing.

    • The Order Number reference is not applicable to the PeopleSoft purchase header.

    • 7600EZ APIs use pull/push REST Services to transfer transactions.

  • Funds Settlement: See U.S. Federal G-Invoicing Processing for more information.

PeopleSoft provides integration that supports the G-Invoicing Requesting Agency intra-governmental Procure-to-Pay business process.

The G-Invoicing Procure-to-Pay process includes several APIs and processes in PeopleSoft as well as some manual steps as shown below.

G-Invoicing Procure-to-Pay Process

G-Invoicing Procure-to-Pay process


G-Invoicing Steps

PeopleSoft Steps

1. GT&Cs

GT&Cs are entered directly into G-Invoicing.

A select set of GT&C fields are pulled into PeopleSoft through GT&C API.

2. Orders

Orders are entered manually into G-Invoicing.

High level key fields are pulled into PeopleSoft through Order API.

Purchase Orders are manually entered into PeopleSoft and reference G- Invoicing GT&C and Order numbers at the header level. Purchase Order lines and schedules must reference G-Invoicing order line and schedule line numbers exactly.

3. Performance Transactions

Performance transactions are pulled into PeopleSoft or pushed into G-Invoicing using the Performance API.

4. 7600EZ

Select 7600EZ as Business Application on the Header Details.

All new G-Invoicing APIs will employ a push/pull model utilizing REST services.

Purchasing Receipt transactions in PeopleSoft are optional.

Purchase Orders are manually entered into PeopleSoft with reference G- Invoicing GT&C.

Order number is not applicable.

Advance payments (‘548’)

Entered into G-Invoicing by the seller.

See U.S. Federal G-Invoicing Processing for more information.

Adjustments to advances (negative ‘548’)

Entered into G-Invoicing by the seller.

SeeU.S. Federal G-Invoicing Processing for more information.

Delivered/performed transactions (‘035’)

Entered into G-Invoicing by the seller.

Delivered/Performance transactions are loaded as Advanced Shipping Notices (ASNs) using the Pull Performance API.

ASNs can be built into Receipts by Load Receipts and are then created as vouchers by Payables.

Received/accepted transactions (‘050’)

Received from PeopleSoft using API.

Received/accepted transactions are created from Receipts by the requester and pushed back to G-Invoicing using the Push Performance API.

Adjustments to received/accepted transactions (negative ‘050’)

Received from PeopleSoft using API.

These adjustments are created from Receipts and Return to Vendor transactions by the requester and pushed back to G-Invoicing through the Push Performance API.

Adjustments to delivered/performed transactions (negative ‘035’)

Entered into G-Invoicing by the seller.

Negative delivered/performed transactions are received through Pull Performance API. These transactions must be reviewed and handled manually in PeopleSoft.

Deferred payment transactions (‘014’)

Entered into G-Invoicing by the seller to communicate the amount/percentage of work completed for work in progress transactions.

Deferred payment transactions are received through Pull Performance API. They are stored for informational purpose only.

4. Funds Settlement

G-Invoicing initiates funds transfers using IPAC.

See U.S. Federal G-Invoicing Processing for more information.