Understanding the Close Requisitions Process

Use the Close Requisitions Application Engine process (PO_REQRCON) to close requisitions that are fully canceled or fully sourced and no longer need to be modified. When you run the Close Requisitions process, it reconciles requisition-related settings and statuses to change the status of applicable requisitions to C (completed).

To perform the Close Requisitions process you need to have the authorization to do so. To enable users to be able to close requisitions, you must establish their authorizations using the User Preferences- Requisition Authorizations page. Using this page you can give the user the ability to close requisitions as well as override non-qualified requisitions for close.

The benefit of this status change is that completed requisitions no longer appear in your list of available requisitions when you access requisition pages in update or display mode. These completed requisitions are also removed from the view in many other situations in which the available options have been set to exclude completed or canceled requisitions. Removing these requisitions from these prompts improves system performance and decreases the time required to find requisitions that you must modify.

If commitment control is enabled, the Close Requisitions process also sets the budget header and line statuses, as well as the requisition distribution close flags (KK_CLOSE_FLAG and PROCESS_MANUAL_CLOSE). This allows the Commitment Control Budget Processor process (FS_BP) to liquidate pre-encumbrance budget amounts for outstanding requisitions.

Although the Close Requisitions process is optional and you can run it at any time, you should run the process at the end of each month to help improve the efficiency of your requisitioning process. Schedule the Close Requisitions process to run at an interval of your choosing using the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler or run it manually using the Close Requisitions page.

To understand the Close Requisitions process, it is important to know where the process fits in the PeopleSoft Purchasing transaction life cycle. This diagram illustrates the transaction flow leading to the Close Requisitions process:

Transaction flow leading to the Close Requisitions process

When you initiate the Close Requisitions process from the Close Requisitions page, you have three processing options on the Process Scheduler Request page:

  • Select Close Requisition SQR Report (PORQ009) to produce the Requisition Reconciliation report.

  • Select Close Requisitions Application Engine process (PO_REQRCON) to run the Close Requisitions process.

  • Select Close Requisitions a multi-process job (PO_REQRQ) to run the Close Requisitions process and produce the Requisition Reconciliation report.

Note: If necessary, you can run the Requisition Reopen Application Engine process (PO_REQREOPN) to undo the changes made by the Close Requisitions process.

See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Process Scheduler

To understand how the Close Requisitions process functions, you must know the criteria that the process uses to close a requisition. The process references the settings and statuses of several criteria to determine that a requisition is ready to be closed and that it does not need to be modified in the future.

The following table details the business-related criteria referenced by the Close Requisitions process and the settings and statuses that must be met to qualify for closure. Each of the criteria discussed must be met for the Close Requisitions process to close a requisition.

The settings and statuses referenced by the Close Requisitions process include a sourcing requirement that requires all lines on a requisition to be accounted for on a purchase order to qualify for closure. Sourcing requirements can also be met if the requisition lines are fulfilled using the inventory demand functionality or a combination of the two sourcing options.

General Criteria

Qualifying Setting or Status

Close Days

The Close Days field on the Purchasing Definition - Business Unit Definition page specifies the number of days beyond a requisition last activity date during which a requisition cannot be closed. The value for the Close Days field creates a grace period during which you can make changes to a requisition after the requisition qualifies to be closed, but before the requisition closes. If you leave the Close Days field blank, the system uses zero close days.

Note: The Close Days value that you define for the business unit is for purchase order reconciliation and has no relationship to the close days value on the Close Short Run control pages.

The Close Requisitions process verifies that the number of close days defined for the requisition PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit have elapsed. The system adds the value in the Close Days field to the last activity date to determine whether the required number of grace period days have passed.

For example, for a Close Requisitions process run date of August 31, 2000, suppose that the last activity date for the requisition is August 25, 2000, and the close days is set to five days. In this example, the process would close the requisition.

Cancel Days

The Cancel Days field on the Purchasing Definition - Business Unit Definition page specifies the number of days beyond a requisition's last activity date during which the canceled requisition cannot be closed. The value for the Cancel Days field creates a grace period during which a canceled requisition cannot be closed. If you leave the Cancel Days field blank, the system uses zero cancel days. Cancel days is a business unit attribute; therefore, the system omits the cancel days calculation when the Close Requisitions page specifies a specific requisition ID.

The value for the Cancel Days field works in the same way as the value for the Close Days field, but for canceled requisitions. The Close Requisitions process verifies that the number of cancel days defined for the requisition's PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit has elapsed. The system adds the value for the Cancel Days field to the last activity date to determine whether the required number of grace period days have passed.

Note: The Close Requisitions process does not change the line status from Canceled to Complete. However, it does change the header status to Complete. The requisition line status remains Canceled so that you can distinguish canceled lines from closed lines.

Record-Level Criteria

Qualifying Setting/Status

PO Status

The Close Requisitions process verifies that the purchase orders to which the requisition lines are sourced have a Completed status.

Activity Date

The system updates this date on the requisition when you save your requisition.

The Close Requisitions process adds criteria, such as close days and cancel days, to the last modified date and time on the requisition Activity Log page. Then the process compares the resulting date to the Close Requisitions process run date (current date) to determine whether it can close the requisition.

You can view activity date values by writing a Structure Query Language (SQL) statement against the PS_REQ_HDR record and looking at the ACTIVITY_DATE field.

Distribution Line Status

The Close Requisitions process verifies that the requisition distribution line status is set to X (canceled) or P (processed). A requisition has a status of P after it is sourced to a purchase order or copied to a request for quote.

Entry Event Status

If commitment control is enabled, the Close Requisitions process verifies that you have Entry Event checked for the row.

The Close Requisitions process closes a requisition if any one of the following is true:

  • The requisition status is Canceled (PS_REQ_HDR.REQ_STATUS = X), and the last activity date is less than or equal to the current date minus the close days:

    (Last Activity Date) <= (Current Date) – (Close Days)

  • The requisition has been sourced to a purchase order (PS_REQ_LN_DISTRIB.DISTRIB_LN_STATUS = P), the purchase order status is Completed, and the last activity date is less than or equal to the current date minus the close days:

    (Last Activity Date) <= (Current Date) – (Close Days)

  • The requisition has been sourced to inventory (PS_REQ_LN_DISTRIB.DISTRIB_LN_STATUS = P), and the last activity date is less than or equal to the current date minus the close days:

    (Last Activity Date) <= (Current Date) – (Close Days)

You can view requisition header information (PS_REQ_HDR) and requisition distribution information (PS_REQ_LN_DISTRIB) by accessing the requisition online or by writing an SQL statement against the mentioned tables as necessary.

A requisition's distribution lines, schedules, lines, and header can be closed in intervals by the Close Requisitions process. Distribution lines close first, followed by the schedules, lines, and header. Therefore, it is possible to have a distribution line close before the rest of the requisition.

For example, suppose that a requisition contains 20 lines, each with two schedules. When the necessary distributions close, the schedule qualifies for closure. Once the two schedules close for a line, the line closes. When the 20 lines close, the requisition closes.

When you run the Close Requisitions process, it changes the status of all requisitions that meet closure criteria as shown in these tables:

Requisition Header

Updated Status


C (completed)


Run Date

BUDGET_HDR_STATUS (if commitment control is used)

N (not checked)

Requisition Line

Updated Status


C (closed) unless the line was canceled, in which case the status remains X

Requisition Schedule Line

Updated Status


C (closed) unless the schedule was canceled, in which case the status remains X

Requisition Distribution Line

Updated Status


C (completed) unless the distribution line was canceled, in which case the status remains X


Y (yes)


N (none)

BUDGET_LINE_STATUS (if commitment control is used)

N (not checked)

KK_CLOSE_FLAG (if commitment control is used)

Y (yes)

KK_TRAN_OVER_FLAG (if commitment control is used)

N (no)