Updating Direct Shipment Information

This section provides an overview of the Direct Shipments Update Application Engine process (PO_REQDROP) and discusses how to run the Direct Shipments Update process.

Page Name

Definition Name


Update Direct Ship Page


Run the Direct Shipments Update process.

The Direct Shipments Update process retrieves modified PeopleSoft Order Management sales order schedules and updates the requisitions in PeopleSoft Purchasing.

This process looks for purchase requests on the ORD_SCHEDULE table that have a direct ship status (PO_DISTRIB_STATUS) value of Modified. When you modify certain aspects of direct ship from supplier sales order lines or shipment schedules in PeopleSoft Order Management, the system sets the direct ship status to Modified.

Changes made to the following fields set the direct ship status to Modified:


Field Name

PeopleSoft Order Management Page

Product ID


Order Lines

Order Quantity


Order Lines

Requested Shipment Date


Shipment Schedules

Requested Shipment Time


Shipment Schedules

Requested Arrival Date


Shipment Schedules

Requested Arrival Time


Shipment Schedules

If the special handling check box (SPEC_HANDLE_CODE) is selected on the order schedule, changes that are made to the values in the following fields also set the direct ship status to Modified:


Field Name

PeopleSoft Order Management Page

Carrier ID


Shipment Schedules

Shipping Via


Shipment Schedules

If you cancel the PeopleSoft Order Management direct ship from supplier sales order schedule, the system sets the direct ship status to Modified. After the Direct Shipments Update process runs, if the direct ship from supplier sales order schedule is changed, the direct ship status (PO_DISTRIB_STATUS) is set to Processed. If the direct ship from supplier sales order schedule is canceled, the system sets the requisition distribution status to Canceled. If the requisition is sourced to a purchase order, an entry is created for the Change Purchase Order process. When the change order is processed and if the purchase order is already dispatched, corresponding purchase order lines are canceled. If the purchase order is not yet dispatched you'll receive a message suggesting that you delete the corresponding purchase order lines.

If the requisition has already been sourced to one or more purchase orders, each changed field that is defined in the change order template generates a change order in PeopleSoft Purchasing. If the changed field is not identified in the change order template, PeopleSoft Purchasing does not create a change order. There is a new change order every time that you dispatch the purchase order.

Use the Update Direct Ship page (RUN_REQ_DRPSHP_CHG) to run the Direct Shipments Update process.


Purchasing > Requisitions > Update Direct Shipments > Update Direct Ship

Process Request Parameters

Field or Control


All Business Units

Select to run this process for all PeopleSoft Order Management business units. If you clear this check box, enter a single PeopleSoft Order Management business unit value in the Order Management Business Unit field.