Updating Item Supplier Unit-of-Measure Conversion Rates

This section discusses how to update item Supplier unit-of-measure conversion rates.

Page Name

Definition Name


Update Item Supplier UOM (update item Supplier unit of measure) Page


Initiate the Update Item Supplier UOM Application Engine process (PO_UPDIVUOM), which updates current and future item Supplier unit-of-measure conversion rate changes.

Use the Update Item Supplier UOM (update item Supplier unit of measure) page (PO_RUN_UPDIVUOM) to initiate the Update Item Supplier UOM Application Engine process (PO_UPDIVUOM), which updates current and future item supplier unit-of-measure conversion rate changes.


Items > Define Items and Attributes > Update Item Supplier UOM

Field or Control


Effective Date

Select the effective date from which to update the item Supplier UOM conversion rate changes.

The item Supplier UOM is updated with the most recent effective-dated UOM changes using the effective date that you select on this page as the reference. The effective date that you select on this page can be in the past, present, or future.

Note: The timing for running this process is important. If the process runs after midnight, set the future conversion rate date to the date that the rate actually becomes effective. If it runs before midnight, enter the future conversion rate date as one day earlier. Alternatively, you can modify the selection criteria to select those conversion rate changes for which the effective date is tomorrow.

Also, to ensure that the future-dated conversion rate gets updated correctly on weekends and holidays, we suggest that you run this process every day, including weekends and holidays. Plus, we suggest that you run the process the first thing in the morning, before the start of each workday.