Using Item Loader Exception Workflow Notifications

This section discusses how to use the Item Loader EDX exception workflow notification within the PeopleTools Workflow Technology.

With the Item Loader EDX message, you can receive item data that is published by third-party sources by subscribing to XML-based messages or uploading a flat file.

The following conditions should trigger an exception notification:

  • Price change exceeds tolerance.

    Notify when the new price on the item price change is greater than or equal to the old item price multiplied by the item price tolerance.

  • New item added.

    Notify when a supplier provides a new item on the catalog. This enables you to set up defaults accordingly.

  • Unit of measure (UOM) does not exist.

    New UOM is supplied for this item. Notify when the Supplier item UOM does not exist on the UOM tables.

  • UOM changed.

    Notify when the conversion rate has changed.

  • Error encountered.

    Notify when an error (other than the exceptions identified above) is encountered when loading items. For example, a UOM code is not convertible.

To generate the Item Loader exception notification, follow these steps:

  1. Define workflow rules using the Workflow Rule Assignment page.

  2. Optionally, if you want the system to send out notifications when price tolerances are exceeded, define price tolerances.

  3. Run the Item Loader Workflow process (IN_ITMEXP_WF) to create worklist entries for item loader messages that meet the exception criteria.

    Use the process to identity the errors and exceptions generated from the Item Loader process and then route them to the appropriate role user. The process either generates a worklist or emails, depending on how you define setup on the Workflow Rule Assignment page. You can run this process separately or with the Item Loader process.

  4. The system routes the worklist entry to the specified user ID.

  5. When you click the worklist entry, the system transfers you to the Approve Item Exceptions component, where you can view and approve item exceptions.

Defining Price Tolerances

You define price tolerances to use in conjunction with the price change exception rule. The item load processes compare the new item or supplier price on the Item Loader Staging table to the previous item or supplier price; if the new price exceeds the tolerances, the system generates an exception.

Tolerances may be defined by item category or by item. You can define price tolerances by a percentage increase or decrease, or by a higher or lower amount.

Field or Control


Over Percentage Tolerance

Defines the minimum percent price increase that generates an exception. The default value is unlimited tolerance.

Over Amount Tolerance

Defines the minimum amount price increase that causes an exception to be generated. The default value is unlimited tolerance.

Under Percentage Tolerance

Defines the minimum percent price decrease that causes an exception to be generated. The default value is unlimited tolerance.

Under Amount Tolerance

Defines the minimum amount price decrease that causes an exception to be generated. The default value is unlimited tolerance.

Viewing and Approving Item Exceptions

After you find exceptions, you can use the Item Exception Approvals component to:

  • Approve the change and process as is (for price change, item does not exist or UOM change only).

  • Change the item attributes (for any exception).

  • Cancel the Item Load record completely.

    This does not delete the item from the master database, but prevents any updates from being processed.

  • Change the exception approval status to Approved.

Page Name

Definition Name


Workflow Rule Assignment


Assign workflow rules by SetID, including whether you should notify using workflow or email. You can also check for exceptions and write the exceptions into the error log without generating workflow or email.

Item Categories


Set price tolerance defaults for items.

Purchasing Controls


Set price tolerance defaults for purchased items. These tolerances appear by default from the item category and can be overridden during online item setup.

Item Loader Workflow


Run the Item Loader Workflow process to process errors and exceptions for Item Loader messages.

Select Exceptions


Select exceptions by SetID, supplier, item, category, exception rule ID, status, or enterprise integration point control ID.

Exception Summary Page


Display the records matching the selection criteria from the Select Exceptions page.

Exception Detail


Display the exception detail for each exception.

Item Master EIP Maintenance


View or correct the item data.

Use the Exception Summary page (IN_ITMEXP_SUM) to display the records matching the selection criteria from the Select Exceptions page.


SCM Integrations > Transaction Error Handling > Approve Item Exceptions > Exception Summary

The system displays the status of the exception. Use the Change Status To field to select the status to which you want to change the exception. After making a selection in the Change Status To field, click the Apply All button to change the status for all errors and exceptions that appear. The exception is then available for reprocessing.

Click the Data Correction button on the Exception Detail page to access the appropriate component to correct the exception condition.