Working with Landed Costs on Receipts

This section provides an overview of landed costs on Receipts

Page Name

Definition Name


LC Manual Close (landed cost manual close) Page


View and enter details about landed costs applied to a receipt and the vouchers created to pay for them. Perform manual overrides, closing individual or all landed cost lines associated with the selected receipt line.

Voucher Details Page


View voucher details for the selected landed cost applied to the receipt line.

Landed costs are miscellaneous charges that you can add to a purchase order in addition to sales and use tax and VAT. If PeopleSoft Cost Management is installed, you can use the landed cost charges in PeopleSoft Cost Management to calculate the actual cost of an item.

If PeopleSoft Cost Management is not installed, you can still define a landed cost miscellaneous charge on the Misc Charge/Landed Cost Defn page. You can then set up PeopleSoft Purchasing to calculate the landed cost automatically based on items and item suppliers using the Miscellaneous Charges - Miscellaneous page, or you can manually add landed costs charges on the purchase order. Receipt lines generated at receiving push time are assigned these estimated landed costs from their associated purchase order schedules.

PeopleSoft provides landed cost reports, such as the Estimate vs. Actual Landed Cost report (CMS3000), Total Purchase Variance report (CMS3010), and Standard Purchase Variance report (CMS3020) to assist you in landed cost analysis.

Use the LC Manual Close (landed cost manual close) page (CM_LC_MANU_CLOSE) to view and enter details about landed costs applied to a receipt and the vouchers created to pay for them.

Perform manual overrides, closing individual or all landed cost lines associated with the selected receipt line.


Purchasing > Receipts > Close Landed Costs > LC Manual Close

Receipt Line Charges

Field or Control



Select this check box at the header level to close all landed cost lines for the selected receipt. Select at the line level to close an individual landed cost line.

LC Status (landed cost status)

Displays the landed-cost status of the selected receipt line. Values are:

Open: The landed cost status for the receipt line remains in an Open status until all landed cost voucher lines have a Closed status.

Closed: The landed cost status for the receipt line changes to Closed when all of the landed cost voucher lines have a Closed status.

Misc Chg (miscellaneous charge)

Displays the miscellaneous charge code assigned to the landed cost charged to the receipt line. Click this link to access the Voucher Details page.

Charge Amount

Displays the estimated landed costs from the purchase order schedule.

Voucher Amt (voucher amount)

Displays the actual amount paid on the voucher for the landed cost. This value appears by default from the accounts payable system.

Voucher Qty (voucher quantity)

Displays the actual landed cost item quantity accounted for on the voucher. This value appears by default from the accounts payable system.

Amount Variance %

Displays the percentage by which the landed cost charge amount value varies from the landed cost voucher amount value.

Quantity Variance %

Displays the percentage by which the landed cost accept quantity value varies from the landed cost voucher quantity value.

Amount Tolerance %

Displays the percentage by which the actual landed cost (voucher amount value) can be more or less than the estimated landed cost (charge amount value). This value enables the charge to be automatically closed for landed costs when the voucher amount is within tolerance of the charge (purchase order) amount.

Quantity Tolerance %

Displays the percentage by which the actual landed cost quantity (voucher quantity value) can be more or less than the estimated landed cost quantity (accept quantity value).

Note: A receipt cannot be reconciled unless the amount and quantity variances are within the amount and quantity tolerances.

Use the Voucher Details page (CM_LC_MANU_CLS_VC) to view voucher details for the selected landed cost applied to the receipt line.


Click the Misc Chg link on the LC Manual Close page.

Matching Vouchers

Field or Control


Voucher Qty Converted (voucher quantity converted)

Displays the original quantity of items received on this receipt line.

Charge Amount Converted

Displays the original estimated landed cost charge from the purchase order schedule.

Charge Amount

Displays the actual landed cost charge paid on the voucher converted from the estimated landed cost on the purchase order schedule using the voucher currency and UOM (unit of measure).

UOM Vchr (unit of measure voucher)

Displays the unit of measure assigned to the landed cost quantity on the voucher.

Quantity Vouchered

Displays the landed cost quantity vouchered after conversion to the UOM of the voucher.