Defining Control Tests

To define control tests, use the Control Tests component (QS_CL_TEST). This topic discusses how to define control tests.

Page Name

Definition Name


Define Control Test Page


Define tests for detecting loss of process control. Test violations are reported as alarms and noted on control charts.

Copy Configuration Item Page


Creates a new control test by copying an existing control test.

Define Control Test Page

Use the Define Control Test page (QS_CL_TEST) to define tests for detecting loss of process control.

Test violations are reported as alarms and noted on control charts.


Quality > Define Methods and Procedures > Control Tests > Define Control Test

Field or Control


Copy From icon

Click the Copy From button to create the new control test by copying from an existing control test. When you click this button, the Copy Configuration Item page appears.

Test Prototype

Field or Control



Select the pattern to use for performing tests for special causes of variation. This is also known as the Western Electric rule type.

Pattern Example

Displays a cursory illustration of the pattern that is tested.

Note: The prototype illustration is standardized and is not adjusted based on the number of tested or trigger points that are entered for a specific control test.

Apply To

Select which subchart (Chart 1 or Chart 2) within a control chart to apply the test to. This enables alarming distinction between means and variance tests.


Field or Control


Trigger Points

Enter the number of points (subgroups) in violation that are necessary to trigger the alarm.

Tested Points

Enter the overall number of plotted points (subgroups) that are to be tested. For example, if the Trigger Points value is 3 and Tested Points is 6, then it takes three subgroups out of six in violation of the pattern to trigger the alarm.