Saving Configuration Settings

This topic provides an overview of configuration settings and discusses how to save control definitions.

Page Name

Definition Name


Saving Control Definitions


Refresh local configuration file with the settings from any .cld file. Apply the latest database configurations (control tests, charts, and procedures) to new datasets created offline.

The control settings for each dataset are embedded in a .cld file. For data extractions or inquiries, where the output is written to a dataset file for downloading, current database configurations for control charts, control procedures, control tests, and graph and display preferences are appended to the file along with the actual data. This ensures a concise snapshot of the configuration, no matter when you view the dataset.

The save control definitions program updates the local QS_QSRV.CFG file with control definitions set in the database and embedded in an extraction or inquiry dataset file. With this selection, changes made using the Quality menu in PeopleSoft are copied to a client machine for offline analysis.

Using the option, you create and save a new control test using Quality. If you want the new test available for offline analysis in the Quality application client, the local configuration must be updated to include the test.

To update the configuration:

  1. Perform an extraction or inquiry.

  2. Download the associated dataset file.

  3. Open the file in the Quality application client.

  4. Select File, Save Control Definitions to update the local cache (configuration) file with the new test.