Using the PeopleSoft Quality Application Client Toolbar

The Quality application client toolbar is located at the top of the program's main window beneath the menu bar. The number of menus varies depending on if you have opened a dataset.

Except for standard Microsoft Windows buttons, such as Cut and Paste, buttons are unique to the Quality application client application and become active depending on the subset that you select and the graphic windows that are open. Because only one graphic window at a time is active, these options might become active or inactive dynamically as you display each graph.

You can also select each toolbar function from the View menu.

Field or Control


New icon

Click the New button to create a new dataset.

Open Button icon

Click the Open button to open an existing dataset.

Print icon

Click the Print button to print the active window.

Copy icon

Click the Copy button to copy selected text to the Clipboard.

Selector Panel icon

Click the Selector Panel button to display the subset and column role selector window.

Control Chart icon

Click the Control Chart button to display a control chart based upon the currently selected subsets.

Histogram icon

Click the Histogram button to display a histogram based upon the currently selected subsets.

Bar Graph icon

Click the Bar Graph button to display a bar graph based upon the currently selected subsets.

Line Graph icon

Click the Line Graph button to display a line graph based upon the currently selected subsets.

Pareto Chart icon

Click the Pareto Chart button to display a Pareto chart based upon the currently selected subsets and attribute column.

Box Plots icon

Click the Box Plots button to display a box plot based upon the currently selected subsets.

Spreadsheet icon

Click the Spreadsheet button to display a spreadsheet of the open dataset.

Statistical Matrix icon

Click the Statistical Matrix button to display a statistical matrix chart based upon the currently selected subsets.

Previous Characterisitic icon

Click the Previous Characteristic button to display the previous characteristic in the format of the active graphic window. Available if multiple subsets have been selected for analysis.

Next Characteristic icon

Click the Next Characteristic button to display the next characteristic in the format of the active graphic window. Available if multiple subsets have been selected for analysis.

Redraw icon

Click the Redraw button to redraw the active window and apply any point or cell selections.

Restore Dataset icon

Click the Restore Dataset button to reload the original data for the active window.

About icon

Click the About button to display release and help information for the Quality application client.