Creating Reports

Page Name

Definition Name


Document Status Summary Page


Create Document Status Summary reports.

Document Status Detail Page


Create Document Status Detail reports.

Contract Content Deviations Page


Create Contract Content Deviations reports. Three versions exists for this report.

Unused Content Page


Create Unused Contract Content reports.

Content Usage Page


Create Contract Content Usage reports.

Use the Document Status Summary page (CS_RPT_DSTAT1) to create Document Status Summary reports.


Supplier Contracts > Reports > Document Status Summary

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Document Status Summary page.

Document Status Summary page

You use this page to run the Document Status Summary report process (CS_DOC_STAT1). This report provides basic document status information for the documents that you select to include in the report. When the system does not locate report data, the report contains a No Data Found line. The last page of a report also has a End of Report line.

The report is sorted by library SetID, then source transaction, document type, administrator, ad hoc SetID/ad hoc ID, contract SetID, contract ID, and purchase order business unit/purchase order ID.

Use the Document Status Detail page (CS_RPT_DSTAT2) to create Document Status Detail reports.


Supplier Contracts > Reports > Document Status Detail

You use this page to run the Document Status Detail report (CS_DOC_STAT2) process. The report is similar to the summary report, but provides more detailed information in a different format about document statuses. Among the additional features, the report contains provides the collaboration status, as of date, and version. If a document is in Dispatched status the report provides dispatched as of date and version. If the document is in an Amended status, the report provides the amendment, amendment option, and as of date.

Also if user-defined fields are enabled on the PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management setup page, and if the fields are also enabled for the document type used for the document (or if document types are not in use), then those user fields that are enabled appear in the report.

The report is sorted by library SetID, then source transaction, document type, administrator, ad hoc SetID/ad hoc ID, and contract SetID.

For more information about fields on this page, see the common elements section.

Use the Contract Content Deviations page (CS_RPT_OBJDEV) to create Contract Content Deviations reports.


Supplier Contracts > Reports > Contract Content Deviations

Three versions exists for this report. The first version is the Contract Content Deviations report (CS_OBJ_DEV_1) The second is the Contract Content Deviation Summary report (CS_OBJ_DEV_2). This report is the same as CS_OBJ_DEV but does not include object text. The final version is the Contract Content Deviation by Contract (CS_OBJ_DEV_3) This version is the same as CS_OBJ_DEV_1 but is sorted by contract and then library object within the contract. This report includes the modified object text.

You use this page to run the Contract Content Deviation report (CS_OBJ_DEV_1) process. The report provides a listing of documents having deviations based on the document objects selected, and that have been manually modified within documents as of the date that you specify. So, this report enables you to identify which contracts have deviations against the type of content for which you want to search, such as highly sensitive terms and conditions.

The system tracks changes made to documents for all objects within that document based on when the document was last checked in, not when each individual change was made. For example, if you update an object one day and check it in, and then a different object in the same document is changed later in the day, and checked in, both objects will show the same last modified date. The last modified date always reflects the last time the entire document was checked in.

Note: Documents will only appear in this report if they have manual changes that were made directly to the newly created or copied document. So, for example if users update a document, and then you create a new document using the Copy From Contract link of the first document, the newly created document will not appear in the Contract Content Deviations report. This is because those changes were not made directly to the new document but were instead made by copying in the entire document.

Report Template

Use this group box to define template information for the report.

Field or Control


Template ID

Select a template for use with the report. The Contract Content Deviations report has three different template views. They are:

  • CS_OBJ_DEV_1: Content Deviation: This view is sorted by library SetID, content type, content ID, and then transaction keys (SetID/business unit, ad hoc ID/contract ID/purchase order ID). This view provides the full text of a modified section or clause.

  • CS_OBJ_DEV_2: Content Deviation Summary: This view is similar to the Content Deviation report (CS_OBJ_DEV) and has the same sort methods, but does not have the full text of modified sections or clauses.

  • CS_OBJ_DEV_3: Content Deviation by Contract: This view has the same information as the Content Deviation report (CS_OBJ_DEV) but is sorted by transaction keys (SetID/business unit, ad hoc ID/contract ID/purchase order ID), then by library SetID, content type, and content ID.

Library Object Selection Criteria

Use this group box to define objects from the contract library on which to build the Contract Content Deviations report. To define document-level values for the report use the Document Selection Criteria group box.

Field or Control


Library SetID

Select a library SetID.

Incl Add/Del Library Content (include additions and deletions to library content)

Click to include library content that has been manually added or deleted for documents in the report. When this check box is deselected, the system only includes changes that have been manually made to existing document objects.

Clause or Section

Select to build the report for clauses or for sections. If you leave the field blank, both clauses and sections are included in the report. If you select Section, the Class Name and Approval Type fields are not available.

Class Name

Select a clause class name to which you want to limit the report. You use classes that require workflow approvals for the clause definition or within documents. When you select a class, the system only includes modified documents in the report that include clauses that have been updated within that class.

Approval Type

Select an approval type to which you want to limit the report. An approval type is a part of the workflow process and controls approvers for the clause approval process and document approval process. When you select an approval type, the system only includes modified documents that include clauses that have been updated within that approval type.

Document Selection Criteria

Use this group box to define document report criteria. The system uses these values along with the library object selections to create the Contract Content Deviation report. Depending on the source transaction that you select, the system provides additional fields on which to base the search.

Field or Control


Include Only In-Process Docs

Click to exclude documents in an Executed or Complete status from the report. When the check box is deselected, documents will be included in the report regardless of the Executed or Complete status.

Use the Unused Content page (CS_RPT_OBJUNUSE) to create Unused Contract Content reports.


Supplier Contracts > Reports > Unused Contract Content

You use this page to run the Unused Contract Content report (CS_OBJ_UNUSE) process. This report provides information about contract library objects that are not used in documents. This information helps you determine outdated or dormant objects in the contract library. The report lists the objects by SetID, content type, and content ID and provides details about each document in which the object is used.

Fields on this page are similar to those on previous report pages. See those page details and the common elements section for more information about the Unused Contract Content report.

Use the Content Usage page ( CS_RPT_OBJUSE) to create Contract Content Usage reports.


Supplier Contracts > Reports > Contract Content Usage

You use this page to run the Contract Content Usage report (CS_OBJ_USAGE) process. This report provides information about where contract library objects have been used in documents. The report lists the objects by SetID, content type, and content ID.

This page is similar to previous report pages. See those page details and the common elements section for more information about the Contract Content Usage report.