Refreshing and Re-creating Documents

Page Name

Definition Name


Refresh Document Options Pages


Refresh documents.

Recreate Document Options Page


Re-create documents.

Refreshing and re-creating documents enables you to update or re-create a document based on changes that might have occurred in related bind values or the contract library. You use the Refresh button to update the document based on changes to wizard or transactional binds.

Use the Refresh button when you want the content from the current generated version of the document to remain the same, but need to update changed bind variables, or wizard variables with their new values. If repeat or rule binds do not change, the resulting contract should remain the same as the prior version, with the exception of the bind value changes. However, if a repeating or rule bind variable changes, the entire section that contains that variable will be rebuilt.

You use the Recreate Document button to completely re-create the document. Re-creation is the same as creating a new document. Using re-creation, you can also change configurators to rebuild the document. For example, during contract negotiations, numerous changes might have been made to the original document. The contract team determines that the original document better suited the contract needs, so they re-create the document based on the original configurator to re-create the document.

Warning! When you re-create a document, the system creates a new document using the latest transaction or wizard. Any changes that have been made to the document will be lost

Version numbering options for refreshed or re-created documents include keeping the same version, changing a minor version number, or changing a major version number. You can use the same version feature only if you have set up document options to enable the feature. To enable the feature, select Supplier Contract Management > Supplier Contracts Setup > Document Format and Options.

Use the Refresh Document Options page (CS_DOC_VERSIONS_SP) to refresh documents.


Supplier Contracts > Create Contracts and Documents > Document Management. Click the Refresh Document button on the Document Management page.

Use this page to indicate what version to use for the newly refreshed document. The system checks for binds in the document to determine what has changed. For example, a bind variable value may change in the wizard or the purchasing contract transaction. The Refresh function evaluates changes in the content based on changes in the variables. In addition, depending on the installation options defined, the system can automatically update any version or amendment bind variables with the new values.

Click the OK button to continue with the refresh. Click the Cancel button to return to the Document Management page without refreshing the document.

Note: The Refresh Document Options page changes based on the document's life-cycle status. When you are creating an amendment, the system includes the Amendment Options, Refresh Main Contract File, Refresh Amendment File, and Amendment Configurator ID fields on this page.

Field or Control


Amendment Option

Displays the option that the system used to create the amendment. The system displays this field only when the current document is in an amendment cycle. The following list describes how the system processes an amendment:

  • When the amendment option is Amend Contract Only, the Refresh process updates the latest version of the amended document similar to how it refreshes an original document.

  • When you are refreshing with the Amend Contract with Amendment Files option, a slight difference exists in that you have the choice of refreshing either the current main amended document, the amendment file, or both files.

  • If the amendment option is Amendment Files Only, the refresh always applies only to the amendment file itself. In this case, the main document is never updated.

Same Version

Select to keep the same version of the document when you refresh or re-create a document. This overwrites older versions of the document with the same version number. Unlike the minor and major versions, the version that appears with this field is the current version. If you select this check box, the system uses this version after the refresh or re-creation process. This check box is available only if you enable the feature on the Document Format and Options page.

Minor Version

Select to use the minor version that appears in this field as the next version of the document after you refresh or re-create it. The difference between a minor and major update depends on organizational standards for version control. The system increments minor versions using decimals. For example, if the current version is 2.02, the next incremental minor version becomes 2.03. When re-creating or refreshing amendments, the system also updates the version number.

Major Version

Select to use the major version that appears in this field as the next version of the document after you refresh or re-create it. The system increments major versions by one. Therefore, if the current version is 2.02 and you use the next incremental major version, the new version becomes 3.00. The system increments the minor version updates as 3.01, 3.02, and so on. When re-creating or refreshing amendments, the system also updates the version number.

Refresh Main Contract File

This check box appears only when you use the Amend Contract with Amendment Files amendment option. When the current document is in an amendment cycle, you can select to refresh the current version of the main amended contract in the system. This could be in addition to refreshing the separate amendment file that is paired with the main amended contract.

An example might be if you have wizard bind values that extend the warranty period of a contract and those values have changed. And, suppose that you are using the Amend Contract with Amendment Files amendment option to track the change with the amended contract and in the separate amendment file. Then, refreshing the main contract file in this case updates the current main amended contract file with the new warranty value.

When you refresh the document, you also can update wizard questions and answers.

Refresh Amendment File

Select to refresh only the amendment file that is attached to the main document. This option applies only when the amendment option is Amend Contract with Amendment Files and the current document is in an amendment cycle.

Update Amendment File

Select to update the amendment file automatically with compared adds, changes, and deleted text that you have made to the main amended contract document. When selecting this check box, a server-side compare is performed between the last executed main contract document and the latest version that has been checked in. Those changes are inserted into the location in the separate amendment document based on the location of the amendment placeholder section in the amendment configurator.

This option enables you to edit only the main contract and have the comparison performed for you to extract changes to the separate amendment file as a starting point for edits within the separate amendment file. This option applies only when the amendment option is Amend Contract with Amendment Files and the current document is in an amendment cycle and the amendment file's configurator ID has an amendment placeholder section defined within the structure.


Enter any comments that you have about the purpose of the refresh. These comments appear in the document's version history on the Comments tab.

Use the Recreate Document Options page (CS_DOC_VERSIONS_SP) to re-create documents.


Supplier Contracts > Create Contracts and Documents > Document Management. Click the Recreate Document button on the Document Management page.

Use this page to update configurators and versions, define which contract elements to re-create, and make comments about the re-creation of the document. The Recreate Document Options page is similar to the Refresh Document Options page, except that you can apply different document types and configurators to re-create the new document, and the document is rebuilt, not updated. Also, depending on the installation options defined, the system can automatically update any version or amendment bind variables with the new values.

Note: The Recreate Document Options page changes based on the document's life-cycle status. When you are creating an amendment, the system includes the Amendment Options, Refresh Main Contract File, Refresh Amendment File, and Amendment Configurator ID fields on this page. See Creating Document Amendments.

Click the OK button to continue with the re-creation. Click the Cancel button to return to the Document Management page without re-creating the document.

Field or Control


Document Type

Select a document type to use when re-creating the document. Document types are available for use only if selected on the Installation Options page.

The field appears with the document type value that was used to initially create the document. You can change the type, but if the document was created using a document type, you cannot clear the field.

Configurator ID

Select the document configurator to rebuild this document. The default value for the field is the configurator the system that was used to create the document or the configurator that was used the last time that the document was re-created. Because you are building the document from the start, the system generates a version of the document based on the configurator ID that you enter and the original date of the document.

The system low-lights the field when document types are enabled and the user does not have override capability as specified on the document type. .

Configurator Selector

Click to run the configurator selector wizard. The system makes the button available when you select a document type that uses a wizard to select the configurator ID.

Amendment Configurator ID

Select the document configurator to rebuild contract amendments that are associated with the document. This field is available when the current document is in an amendment cycle and a separate amendment file is being used. This occurs when you select either the Amend Contract with Amendments or the Amendment Files Only amendment process options.

Recreate Main Contract File

This check box applies only when the amendment process option is Amend Contract with Amendment Files. When the current document is in an amendment cycle, you can select to re-create the current version of the main amended contract in the system. For example, this could be in addition to re-creating the separate amendment file that is paired with the main amended contract.

Warning! If the last executed main contract file contains any manual edits, you should not select this option. It causes the newly generated main document file to lose any prior executed changes. The system default value for the check box is deselected.

Recreate Amendment File

Select to re-create only the amendment file that is attached to the main document. This option applies only when the amendment process option is Amend Contract with Amendment Files and the current document is in an amendment cycle.

Update Amendment File

Select to update the amendment file automatically with compared adds, changes, and deleted text that you have made to the main amended contract document. When selecting this check box, a server-side compare is performed between the last executed main contract document and the latest version that has been checked in. Those changes are inserted into the location in the separate amendment document based on the location of the amendment placeholder section in the amendment configurator.

This option enables you to edit only the main contract and have the comparison performed for you to extract changes to the separate amendment file as a starting point for edits within the separate amendment file. This option applies only when the amendment option is Amend Contract with Amendment Files and the current document is in an amendment cycle and the amendment file's configurator ID has an amendment placeholder section defined within the structure.