Setting Up Event Escalations and Notifications

Page Name

Definition Name


Event Type Page


Identify an event type. An event type determines the server on which a notification event runs. You can add a new type or make changes to an existing type.

Notification and Escalations Page


Specify the conditions for which the event should check and the actions that the system should take when the notification conditions are met.

See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Process Scheduler

The approval framework waits for an approver's decision before attempting to route the transaction further. However, using escalations and notifications, you can control what the approval engine does if the approver waits too long before responding. Approvers have a predefined amount of time to respond, after which approval framework can either remind the approver, notify someone else, or proceed with the next approval, assuming the document was approved.

Event notifications can be configured as an organization requires them. The notifications are available to meet specific needs and normally do not require coding, and they enable the system to send emails to appropriate users when specific, predefined approval events take place, such as an approver approving, denying, or pushing back a document.

See Defining Notification Templates for Approval Framework .