Understanding the Contract/Sourcing WorkCenter - Links Pagelet

Use the Contract/Sourcing WorkCenter Links pagelet to view the Contract and Sourcing links. The primary purpose of this pagelet is to minimize the number of clicks to access components and external links.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Contract/Sourcing WorkCenter - Links pagelet. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

My Links Pagelet

The following is the list of Links pagelet delivered in Contracts/Sourcing WorkCenter:




Create Events

Click this link to find an existing event, search by keyword, or add a new event.

Event Worbench

Click this link to collaborate on events, check them in and out, and review a list of all created events and event details.

Analysis Collaboration

Click this link to analyze the bids received, and invite Collaborators to collaborate on bids received.

Plan Workbench

Click this link to manage sourcing plans.




Add/Update Contracts

Click this link to define or update supplier contract information.

Contract Change History

Click this link to view contract header, PO defaults, and price adjustments history.

Contract Events

Click this link to view contract events

Document Status Inquiry

Click this link to view documents associated to the Contract

Monitor Agreement Compliance

Click this link to monitor Contract agreements.

Review Agreement Statuses

Click this link to review the status of agreements on the Contract

Review Contracts by PO

Click this link to view contract-related purchase order line information.

System administrators use the Configure Pagelets - Links Pageto set up the WorkCenter Links pagelet for end users.

End users use the Working With and Personalizing the Classic Links Pagelet As an End User to personalize the Links pagelet for personal use.