Understanding the Sourcing Event (RFx) Document Process Flow

The sourcing event process flow utilizes PeopleSoft Strategic Sourcing and PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management. These steps describe the application, user role, and transactions needed to complete the document process for a sourcing event.

SS is PeopleSoft Strategic Sourcing.

SCMT is PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management.

Sourcing Phase from SS (Strategic Sourcing)

  1. (SS) Internal sourcing specialist creates an event and authors an associated RFx document within SCMT.

    (optional) Internal collaboration of event with RFx access for other departments such as legal, if required. Any changes to the RFx document are performed within SCMT.

    The sourcing specialist changes the RFx authored document to complete or approved within SCMT.

  2. (SS) The internal sourcing specialist posts the event with the RFx document.

  3. (SS) External bidders, suppliers, or both, respond to the events and indicate that the RFx document has been reviewed.

    (optional) Allow bidders, suppliers, or both, to make changes to a version of the RFx document.

  4. (SS) Internal sourcing

    (optional) The sourcing specialist routes the current RFx document for internal collaboration and review.

    (optional) The sourcing specialist revises the authored RFx document (from SCM), or the bidder-specific RFx document (from SS), or both, if bidder modifications are allowed on RFx documents.

    (optional) The sourcing specialist creates new rounds or version and posts as usual.

  5. (SS) The internal sourcing specialist awards the event internally, and creates a purchasing contract or a purchase order.

Contract Phase from SCMT (Supplier Contract Management

  1. (SCMT) The internal contract specialist authors a purchasing contract document or purchase order document by copying from the RFx document.

    (Optional) The sourcing specialist routes the current RFx document for internal collaboration and review.

  2. (SCMT) External suppliers review, collaborate, and sign the awarded contracts.

  3. (SCMT) Internal users approve and sign the authored contract document for execution.

Note: When the document type for a supplier’s contract is linked to a multi-source configurator, and used for a Sourcing Event RFx or PO Contract or purchase order document, then the creation of the contract document may allow using an authored (xml) RFx document as the starting point for the contract document. The original RFx authored document (or bidder document) must originate from a valid, authored, xml word document for this to occur. In this case the newly authored contract document starts from the RFx document and is refreshed based on the target purchase order contract or purchase order and usage of any bind values. If the sourcing event RFx document is not valid for this type of processing, you can use the RFx document as a starting point for the purchase order contract or purchase order document as an imported document.