Analyzing Service Provider Rosters

You use the service provider roster to analyze total service provider count by department, manager, purchase order, or supplier.

Note: This topic uses the service provider roster department summary and details as an example. Similar functionality applies to the other dimensions (manager, purchase order, and supplier) and respective detail pages.

Page Name

Definition Name


Service Provider Roster (summary) Page


View service provider roster summary graphs and data. Access detail pages.

Service Provider - Department Roster Page


View the department details.

Service Provider Roster (summary) Page

Service Provider Roster - Department Details Page


View detailed service provider roster information for a selected department.

Service Provider Roster - Manager Details Page


View detail service provider roster information for a selected manager.

Service Provider Roster (summary) Page

Service Provider Roster - Purchase Order Details Page


View detailed service provider roster information for a selected purchase order.

Service Provider Roster (summary) Page

Service Provider Roster - Supplier Details Page


View detail service provider roster information for a selected supplier.

Service Provider Roster (summary) Page

Use the Service Provider Roster (summary) page (SPR_CONROS_DASH_PG) to view service provider roster summary graphs and data.


Services Procurement > Interactive Reports > Provider Roster

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Service Provider Roster (summary) page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Service Provider Roster (summary) page

Field or Control


Department, Manager, Purchase Order, and Supplier

Click the link at the top of the page to have the system display the service provider roster graph and data by department, manager, purchase order, or supplier.

Provider Count

Displays for each department the total number of service providers.

Use the Service Provider Roster - Department Details page (SPR_CONROS_DASH_PG) to view detailed service provider roster information for a selected department.


Click the Department link on the Service Provider Roster (summary) page for department.

The system displays detailed information about the service providers for the selected department.

Field or Control


View Requisition and View Work Order icon

Click to view the requisition or work order.


Select the Dimensions tab.

In the example above, the system displays the procurement details for the department. Breakout by Manager, PO, or Supplier is also available