Establishing Services Procurement ChartField Security

ChartFields are the fields that store charts of accounts and provide the system with the basic structure to segregate and categorize transactional and budget data. PeopleSoft software enables you to restrict access to your financial data within PeopleSoft Services Procurement and across all PeopleSoft Financials Supply Chain Management (FSCM) applications. The ChartField Security feature prevents unauthorized employees and contractors from viewing and editing financial data. Other security features within PeopleSoft software enable you to restrict access by business unit, ledger, SetID, pay cycle, book code, and project ID; however, the ChartField Security feature enables you to restrict access to specific financial data by restricting access to a ChartField value or combination.

Security by ChartField combination enables you to allow access to most financial data, such as requisitions and work order costs, and still restrict access to sensitive data, such as service costs. Using ChartField security, you can enable access to sensitive ChartField combinations by user IDs, user roles, or permission lists.

The following components in PeopleSoft Services Procurement can be restricted with ChartField security:

  • SPF_WORK_ORDER_CMP – Work Order Component (secures prompt edit table values).

  • SPF_WORK_ORDER_CMP – WorkOrder Component (secures work order cost information).

  • SPF_REQ_LINE – Maintain SP Requisition Line (secures prompt edit table values).

  • SPF_REQ_SUMMARY – SP Requisition Summary (secures requisition line job information).

The core system for setting up and using ChartField security is described in the ChartField Security feature, including specific information about PeopleSoft Services Procurement components. For more information, see the Securing ChartFields set of topics of the PeopleSoft Components documentation.