Submitting and Approving Expenses

This topic discusses how to submit and approve expenses.

Page Name

Definition Name


Services Expense Approval Status Page


View and update approvers and reviewers for expense approvals. This page is available when expenses are enabled for workflow on the business unit.

Service Expense Report Details Page

Submit Expense Sheet Page


Confirm the submission of the expense approval. Click OK to submit the expense or Cancel to return to the Services Expense Report Details page.

Service Expense Report Details Page

Service Expense Report Details Page


Adjust expense sheets.

Monitor Approvals Page


Monitor approvals using the User Monitor.

Use the Services Expense Report Details page (SPA_SHEET_LINES2) to adjust expense sheets.


(Worklist, Worklist, Filter By Approval Routing, select an expense report that requires your approval and click the Adjust Expense Sheet button on the Service Expense Report Details page).

Service providers can complete and submit expenses for approval upon completing the expense report or save it and return later using the Manage Expenses page to access the report. You can use the Service Expense Report Details page to view information about the work order against which the expense is applied, add additional expenses, and review existing expenses and expense history.

Note: If you are submitting time against a child for a multi-resource work order, the header information also displays the parent work order ID and name.

Before you submit an expense report, you can add another expense type. Select an expense type in the Expense Type field and click the Add button. You can also update expense lines and add new lines to an expense report by clicking the Expense Type link in the Expenses grid box.

After creating a new expense report or reviewing expenses, you can view expense approvers and reviewers and submit the expense for approval. To preview and update expense approvers:

  1. Click the Preview Expense Approver(s) link.

    This link is available if expenses have been enabled for workflow approval for the business unit. The system displays the Services Expense Approval Status page. This page provides a graphical map of the workflow. The next example illustrates how the page appears:

    This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Services Expense Approval Status page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

    Services Expense Approval Status page

    The graphical map for the workflow displays expense approvers and reviewers and the status of their reviews. You can insert additional approvers or reviewers or create a new approval path for an expense. If you insert an ad hoc approver or reviewer, you can also remove the approver or reviewer.

    The title for the workflow represents the type of expense that is being processed. This is the expense thread description and consists of unique information for the expense. The graphic includes the expense status and overall status of the expense approval and provides information about individual approvers and the status of their approvals. The individual graphics vary in color depending on the approval status.

  2. Click the Return to Expense link to return to the Manage Expenses page where you can submit the approval.

To submit an expense report:

  1. Click the Submit button.

    The system displays the Submit Expense Sheet Confirmation page where you can confirm that you want to continue with the submission.

  2. Click OK to submit the expense.

    The system displays the Save Confirmation page with the new expense approval status and an updated graphic for the workflow. You can also click Cancel to return to the Services Expense Report Details without submitting the expense.

  3. Click OK to continue.

Use the Services Expense Report Details page (SPA_SHEET_LINES2) to adjust expense sheets.


(Worklist, Worklist, Filter By Approval Routing, select an expense report that requires your approval and click the Adjust Expense Sheet button on the Service Expense Report Details page).

Expense report approvers use this page to review, approve, deny, or hold expense reports. You can select one or more lines to approve. A status appears for each line.

When approving, denying, or holding expense reports, you can also add comments.

Note: At least one line must be selected to perform an approval task.

To approve or deny expense reports:

  1. Click the Approve button.

    The system changes the status to Approved. The expense report is now available for invoicing.

  2. Click the Deny

    Changes the status to Denied by Approver. If you deny the expense report, enter a comment to indicate a reason. The expense report returns to the service provider or service provider contact for modifications and resubmission.

  3. Click the Hold button.

    This places the expense report approval on hold and gives the approver time to research an issue and prevents the approval process from going to the next approval step until the previous approver takes action on the expense report. The approval hold is removed when either the approver chooses to approve the expense report or when the report is updated in such a way that the approval process is restarted. When the approval is placed on hold, the system provides a worklist entry for the previous expense report approver. A comment is required when you place an expense report on hold.

    When you click the Hold button, the system displays a confirmation page. When you click the OK button on that page, the system provides a worklist entry for the person who submitted the expense report or for the previous approver. Using the worklist, the person can address comments from approver.

When all lines are approved, the expense report status changes to Approved.

Use the Services Expense Report Details page (SPA_SHEET_LINES2) to adjust expense sheets.


(Worklist, Worklist, Filter By Approval Routing, select an expense report that requires your approval and click the Adjust Expense Sheet button on the Service Expense Report Details page).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Service Expense Report Details page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Service Expense Report Details page

To adjust an expense sheet approvers:

  1. Click the Expense Type link in the Expenses grid.

    The system displays the Services Expense Report Details page where you can make changes to the expense.

  2. Click the Done button.

    The system returns to the initial Service Expense Report Details page with your updates.

  3. Click the Save Adjustment button.

    The system displays a confirmation page that the adjustment was saved.

Field or Control



Select from the available list of options which includes the description of all the expense distribution lines from the associated work order. If only one expense distribution line is associated, then the value for this field defaults to that particular line.

Note: This field is available only when the expense reporting option is “Actual Allocation” for the associated work order.

View Expense Distribution ChartField

Click to access the View/Select Work Order Distribution For: page. Use this page to view the actual ChartField values if the description does not provide enough information to make a selection in the Distribution field.

Note: This icon is available only when the expense reporting option is “Actual Allocation” for the associated work order.