Submitting and Approving Work Orders

This topic provides an overview of using work order approval.

Page Name

Definition Name


Work Order - Approvals and Alerts Page


Submit work orders for approvals.

Work Order Approval Page


Approve or deny a work order during the workflow approval process.

Work Order Details Page


View additional information about the work order that you are asked to approve.

Work Order Approval Page

Deny Work Order Page


Confirm the denial to approve a work order and to provide a reason code and comments for the denial.

Work Order Approval Page

You use the PeopleSoft Approval Framework to approve work orders. For work order approvals, the system looks at the approval rules to send the approval notifications. By setting up the appropriate criteria in the approval process definition, you can also perform service provider approvals on the lower-level individual services associated to a multi-resource work order.

See Setting Up Work Order Workflow.

Use the Work Order - Approvals and Alerts page (SPF_WO_APPROVER) to submit work orders for approvals.


Services Procurement > Manage Services Work Orders > Work Order - Service

Select the Approvals and Alerts tab.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Work Order - Approvals and Alerts page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Work Order - Approvals and Alerts page

You can submit work order approvals using Work Order pages. Click the Submit button on any of the pages to send the work order for approval. The Approvals and Alerts page provides a preview of the workflow and any approvers and reviewers in the workflow. This information is available after you save the work order and is derived from the rules and values defined for approval process definitions.

See Setting Up Work Order Workflow.

The Approver Information section provides a graphical map of approvers and reviewers for the workflow and the status of their review. You can insert additional ad hoc approvers or reviewers or create a new approval path for the work order. If you insert an ad hoc approver or reviewer, you can also remove the approver or reviewer.

The section also displays the invoice approver and the invoice approver for the supplier who has been assigned to this work order.

Note: When you insert an approver or reviewer, the system provides a Save button in the Review/Edit WorkOrder Approver grid. Make sure that you save the user information before saving the entire page. If you don't save the information, the system doesn't retain updated approver information when you save the page.

For more information about using the Approvals and Alerts page, see the Managing Work Order Approvals and Alerts section.

See Work Order - Approvals and Alerts Page.

When you submit the work order, the Work Order Submittal page appears confirming that the work order has been submitted.

After the work order approval has been submitted, you can return to the work order or navigate to the Manage Services Work Orders page where you can select to view work order history and submittal information about the work order.

Use the Work Order Approval page (SPF_WO_APPR_PG) to approve or deny a work order during the workflow approval process.


Home > Worklist

Click the link to the work order ID that needs approval.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Work Order Approval page (1 of 2). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Work Order Approval page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Work Order Approval page (2 of 2). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Work Order Approval page (2 of 2)

Along with providing basic work order information, the Work Order Approval page enables you to approve, deny, or push back a parent or individual services work order during the workflow approval process.

Note: To approve a work order, you must have a workflow role designed for work order approval.

Use the next links and buttons to access additional information about the work order and to manage work order approvals.

Field or Control


WO Status (work order status)

Click to access the Services Work Order History page. The page includes the changes made by approvers and when the approvals occurred. The link displays the current status of the work order.

View Work Order Details

Click to view the detailed summary of the work order.


Click to approve the work order. This forwards the work order and any comments that you inserted to the next approver in the path. The system provides a confirmation message when you click this button. When you confirm that you want to approve the work order, the system updates the approval graphic with the newest routing information.


Click to deny the work order. The system accesses the Deny Work Order page where you can provide a reason code for denying the approval and comments about the denial. If denial reasons are required, you must enter a code.

After you deny a work order, the workflow stops and the system sends a worklist entry to the original requester with any comments that you enter for the denial. The work order's original requester can update the work order to address the issues and resubmit the work order for approval.


Click to return the work order to the previous approval step. Pushing back a work order is a way for the approver to question the prior step's approval and request clarification about the approval.

Review/Edit Approvers

This grid contains a graphical map with information about the approval and its status. The title represents the type of work order that is being processed and includes the overall status of the approval. The graphics provide information about individual approvers and the status of their approvals and vary in color depending on the approval status. The system also indicates whether approvals are required.

During the approval process, approvers can add ad hoc approvers or reviewers to the current or a later stage of the work order approval process. For example, if an approver wants input from an service coordinator, she can add the coordinator as an approver. Ad hoc approval applies only to the approval instance in which the addition occurs and does not affect the underlying process definition used for other requests. You can add or remove an ad hoc approver by clicking the plus or minus button next to a graphic. You can also view user information by selecting the link that contains the user ID.

Field or Control


Request Information

Click to return the approval to another user for more information about the work order. That user might not be an approver, but must respond to the request before the approval can proceed to the next approver or reviewer. The system displays a new graphic that represents information has been requested and who is responsible for the request. You can use the comments section to clarify requested information.

Start New Path

Click to start a new approval path for this work order. The system displays the Start new approval path page so that you can select who you want to approve or review the work order. The system places a new graphical symbol at the bottom of the path order after you select the user.

View/Hide Comments

Click to either view or hide comments that are associated with the work order approval.


Use this section to enter any comments explaining why you are approving this work order. Your comments can be viewed by other approvers and reviewers. Click the View/Hide Comments link to view or hide comments associated with a work order approval. Use the View Expanded button at the right to view additional text.