Understanding Supplier Communications

In PeopleSoft Services Procurement, supplier communications enable service coordinators to collaborate and communicate with suppliers and requesters to match qualified bids with open service requisitions and work orders.

PeopleSoft Services Procurement enables service coordinators and requesters to perform these tasks:

  • Review incoming, draft, and outgoing supplier bid information.

  • Exchange continuous bid communication (service coordinator and requester).

  • Respond to bid submissions (service coordinator only).

  • Schedule interviews for submitted candidates (service coordinator only).

  • Select a qualified bid to fill the position (service coordinator only).

To communicate with suppliers:

  1. Access the Assess and Award Bids page to view qualified bids submitted by service provider contacts.

  2. Use the Bid Response page to respond to supplier bids.

    Note: Candidate selection is complete when you select the Fill value as the bid action. This action officially ends the bid process between you and the supplier. An email notification is automatically sent to all bidding service provider contacts to inform them that the request has been filled by another supplier.

  3. Use the Bid Response page to view the responses sent.

  4. Access the Interview Schedule page to schedule and rate interviews (service coordinator and requester).

  5. Use the Analyze Line and Analyze Total pages to analyze bid amounts and line scores for all bids submitted for the requisition or work order request.

    You can also change the bid factor weightings on these pages to perform a what-if analysis.

  6. Fill the requisition or work order from either the Analyze Total page or the Bid Response page.

For more information about how suppliers submit bids and manage their awarded bid, see the Submitting and Managing Bids set of topics.

See Understanding the Requisition and Work Order Bidding Process.

Multi-Resource Requisition and Work Order Bids

The multi-resource services feature supports a grouping of multiple unique services and service providers for PeopleSoft Services Procurement requisitions and work orders. The bidding for multi-resource services is a two-step process. First, the multi-resource (parent) service is filled, and subsequent to that the individual (child) services can be sourced from the parent work order and filled by the supplier that was selected.

Service coordinators, requesters, and service provider contacts can communicate about bids for individual child services. A service coordinator can fill multiple positions for an individual work order service until total position quantity is reached. Each individual work order service position is converted to a child work order for the multi-resource parent.

See Setting Up Multi-Resource Services.

Before you can communicate with suppliers about requisitions and work orders, suppliers must respond to the sourced service by submitting bids.