Approving Absence Transactions Using Fluid Approvals

This topic describes how to approve absence transactions using Fluid Approvals.

See also Using PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface Self-Service Approval Transactions.

Page Name

Definition Name


Absence Approvals Tile


Tap to access the Absence Approvals page.

Approvals Navigation Collection


Select the navigation collection of the left panel to access:

  • Absence Request

  • Cancel Absence

  • Extended Absences

  • Leave Donations

Pending Approvals - Absence Request Page


Approve an absence request.

Additional Information Page


Review additional absence request details.

Pending Approvals - Cancel Absence Page


Approve an absence cancelation.

Pending Approvals — Attachment Page


Displays the attachment for request absences/cancel absences.

Pending Approvals - Extended Absence


Approve an extended absences.

Attachments and Notes Page


View attachments and notes related to extended absences.

Additional Information Page


Additional information for extended absence details.

Approval Chain


View the information about approvers associated with the request and approval status.

Pending Approvals — Leave Donations Page


Approve an absence donation request.

Use the Approval Navigation Collection (EOAWMA_MAIN_FL) to select the approval types from left panel..


On the Manager Self-Service home page, click the Approvals tile to access the Pending Approvals page.

You can access the following absence approval transactions from left panel:

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Pending Approvals page.

Manager Self Service_Pending Approvals

Use the Pending Approvals - Absence Request page (EOAWMA_TXNHDTL_FL) to approve an absence request.


On the Manager Self-Service home page, click the Approvals tile to access the Pending Approvals page. Then click an absence request entry on the Pending Approvals page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Pending Approvals - Absence Request page.

Pending Approvals - Absence Request page

Approval Options

The approval options on this page are common to all fluid approval transactions, as described in the documentation for the Pending Approvals - <Transaction Details> Page.

Field or Control


Approve, Deny, and Pushback

Use these buttons to take action on the requested approval.

Absence Details

The absence request fields on this page provide information about the transaction you are being asked to approve. Fields correspond to the same-named fields on the Extended Absence Request Page.

Field or Control


Check Eligibility

Click Check Eligibility to see if the employee is eligible for the absence request.

View Eligibility Details

Click the View Eligibility Details link to view the absence eligibility details of the selected employee.

Field or Control


Additional Information

Click this link to access the Additional Information Page, where you can review additional absence request details.

Requester Comments

Displays any comments entered by the absence requester.


Click the item to open the Attachments page. Using this page, you can view and download the files that the requester attached to the request.

This example illustrates the Attachments page.

Attachments Modal Window

Note: Attachments are available on this page only if requestor has included attachments when requesting an absence.

Field or Control


Request History

Click Request History to view the transaction history for this absence request.

Approver Comments

Enter any comments related to the approval action you take.

Approval Chain

Click this item to open the Approval Chain page, where you can review information about all approvers for the transaction.

Use the Additional Details page (HGA_FA_ADD_INFO_FL) to review additional absence request details.


Click the Additional Details item on the Pending Approvals - Absence Request page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Additional Details page.

Additional Information page

The fields displayed on this page correspond to the user fields defined on the Configure Country Take Setup - User Fields Page.

Use the Pending Approvals - Cancel Absence page (EOAWMA_TXNHDTL_FL) to approve an absence request.


On the Manager Self-Service home page, click the Approvals tile to access the Pending Approvals page. Then click a cancel absence entry on the Pending Approvals page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Pending Approvals - Cancel Absence page.

Pending Approvals - Cancel Absence page

Approval Options

The approval options on this page are common to all fluid approval transactions, as described in the documentation for the Pending Approvals - <Transaction Details> Page.

Field or Control


Approve and Deny

Use these buttons to take action on the requested approval.


Select to open Pending Approvals — Attachment Page where you can see attachments added as part of request absences and cancelling the same request.

Request History

Click Request History link to view the transaction history for this absence request.

Approver Comments

Enter any comments related to the approval action you take.

Approval Chain

Click this item to open the Approval Chain page, where you can review information about all approvers for the transaction.

Absence Details

The absence request fields on this page provide information about the transaction you are being asked to approve. Fields correspond to the same-named fields on the Extended Absence Request Page.

Cancelation Details

The absence cancelation fields on this page provide information about the transaction you are being asked to approve. Fields correspond to the same-named fields on the Cancel Absences Page.

Use the Pending Approvals-Attachment (HGA_ATTACH_FL_SCF) page to view the attachment submitted for absences.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Pending Approvals-Attachment page.

Cancel Absence_Attachment Page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Pending Approvals-Attachment page using a smartphone.

(Smartphone) Attachment_Approval Page

Use the Pending Approvals - Extended Absence (EOAWMA_TXNHDTL_FL) page to approve an extended absence request.


On the Manager Self-Service home page, click the Approvals tile to access the Extended absence. On the left pane, you can see the Extended Absence listing.

Select the chevron towards the right side of an extended absence listing to access Pending Approval — Extended Absence page

The following video provides an overview of Fluid Approval Extended Absence.

Video: Image Highlights, PeopleSoft HCM Update Image 29: Fluid Approval Extended Absence.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Pending Approvals - Extended Absence page which displays different types of absence requests under Other Absence Requests section.

Extended Absence_Pending Approval

Approval Options

The approval options on this page are common to all fluid approval transactions:

Field or Control


Approve and Deny

Use these buttons to take action on the requested approval.


Click this item to revert the approval.

Approver Comments

Field for approvers to provide comments, if any.

Approval Chain

Click to access the Approval Chain to view the information about approvers associated with the request and approval status.

This feature has two types of approvals:

  • Extended Absence Event.

  • Child absence added once extended absence event is approved.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Pending Approvals — Extended Absence Event page.

Pending Approval - Extended Absence Event

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Pending Approvals — Extended Absence page in which child absence reported within an extended absence.

Extended Absence_FMLA_Child

Field or Control


Check Eligibility Button

Select to view if the employee is eligible for the extended absence request.

Extended Absence Event Details

This section displays the details like number of requests, request date, type of absence, absence reason, date of absence and the comments entered during the absence request.

Field or Control


FMLA Eligibility

Select to open Extended Absence Detail Information — FMLA Eligibilitypage.

Attachments and Notes

Click to access the Attachments and Notes Pageto view Overtime Request history with date and comments.

Other Absence Requests

Field or Control



displays the information like employee absence request or administrator extended absence.

Use the Extended Absence Detail (GP_ABS_DATA) modal to view the extended absence details and FMLA Eligibility details.


Click the FMLA Eligibility item on the Pending Approval — Extended Absence page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Extended Absence Detail Modal.

Extended Absence Detail_FMLA (1_2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Approval Chain Details page.

Extended Absence Detail_FMLA (2_2)

Use the Attachment and Notes (HGA_EX_ABS_ATT_SCF) modal to view the attachments and notes associated with the extended absence requests.


Click the Attachment and Notes item on the Extended Absence — Pending Approvals page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Attachments and Notes Modal.

Attachments and Notes Modal

This modal separates the documents in two tabs?

Select the chevron to open Additional Information Page

Use the Additional Information (HGA_FA_ADD_INFO_FL) modal to view the additional information for the Extended Absence details.


Click the Extended Absence Details item on the Pending Approvals - Extended Absence page.

Select Additional Information.

This example illustrates the example for Additional Information Modal.

Additional Information Modal

Use the Approval Chain Details page (EOAWMA_APPC_SCF) to view the information about approvers associated with the request and approval status.

This example illustrates the Approval Chain Modal.

Approval Chain Modal

Use the Pending Approvals - Leave Donations page (EOAWMA_MAIN_FL) to approve a leave donation request.

Note: Only users with Leave Donation Administrator role can manage leave donation transactions.


On the Manager Self-Service home page, tap the Approvals tile to access the Pending Approvals page. Then tap the Leave Donations entry from the Pending Approvals page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Pending Approvals — Leave Donations page using a smartphone.

Pending Approvals Leave Donations Page Smartphone

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Pending Approvals — Leave Donations page using a desktop.

Pending Approvals Leave Donations Page Desktop

Field or Control


Leave Donations

Click the leave donation request to open the Leave Donations page, where you can review information about the leave donation request.

This example illustrates the Leave Donations page using a smartphone

Leave Donations Page Smartphone

This example illustrates the Leave Donations page using a desktop.

Leave Donations Page

The approval options on this page are common to all fluid approval transactions, as described in the documentation for the Pending Approvals - <Transaction Details> Page

Field or Control


Approve, Denyand Pushback

Use these buttons to take action on the requested approval.

Note: These buttons will be enabled only when the leave donation request is selected.

Approver Comments

Enter any comments related to the approval action you take.

Request History

Click the Request History link to view the transaction history for this leave donation request.

Approver Comments

Enter any comments related to the approval action you take.

Approval Chain

Click this item to open the Approval Chain page, where you can review information about all approvers for the transaction