Canceling an Absence Run

This topic discusses how to:

  • Cancel an entire absence run.

  • Cancel an individual payee.

You can cancel an entire absence run (the entire calendar group ID) or you can cancel individual payees from a calendar group ID. For each canceled payee, the system deletes all calculations, sets the selection status to Cancelled, and deletes the Calculation status. It also deletes all error messages, warnings, and audit records, if you requested an element resolution chain.

Canceled payees are ignored during future iterations of processing, including retroactive runs, unless you manually uncancel them or run the Identify phase again—if you've canceled an entire run.

Canceling an Entire Absence Run

You rarely need to cancel an entire absence run. However, if you discover a problem that affects most or all payees, canceling the run may be the most efficient way to address the problem. For example, if you attach the wrong process list to a calendar or if you add calendars to the calendar group ID in the wrong order, it might be quicker to cancel the run, make the corrections, and run the Identify step again than to correct each payee individually.

To cancel a pay run, you select the Cancel check box on the Calculate Absence and Payroll page.

Canceling Individual Payees

To cancel an individual payee, set the process indicator for the payee to Cancel.

Uncanceling a payee creates an iterative trigger during the next processing run. During the next iteration of the Calculate phase, the system deletes and reidentifies the payee. If the identification process determines that the payee still meets the selection criteria, that payee is included in the run. Otherwise, the payee is canceled again.