Defining Payee Overrides

Page Name

Definition Name


Supporting Elements Page


Override the value of a bracket, date, duration, formula, or variable element that’s associated with a payee.

Payee overrides enable you to control how an entitlement or take element is resolved for a specific payee.

Using payee overrides, you can:

  • Override variable elements used by a specific entitlement/take assigned to a payee.

  • Override a variable for all elements that use the variable (not just one entitlement or take assigned to a payee).

  • Override supporting elements associated with a payee.

For payee overrides, the system looks at segment end dates (or period dates if there’s no segmentation) for a payee to determine if a supporting element override is used. The end date must be greater than or equal to the segment end date in order for it to be processed. Unlike pay entity and pay group, the system doesn’t look at the Definition as of Date.

Example: Segmentation and Payee Supporting Element Overrides

Two payees have the same override.

  • Payee 1 has no segmentation.

  • Payee 2 has segmentation. Segment 1 is January 1−15. Segment 2 is January 16−31.

  • The pay period is January 1−31.

  • VR1, a variable element, is defined as 50.

  • VR1 has a payee-level override of 100 beginning on January 16.

For Payee 1, the value of VR1 is always 100, because there’s no segmentation.

For Payee 2, the value of VR1 is 50 for Segment 1 and 100 for Segment 2.

Use the Supporting Elements page (GP_PAYEE_SOVR) to override the value of a bracket, date, duration, formula, or variable element that’s associated with a payee. Whenever the system resolves an element for the payee, it uses the override value that you select.


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Payee Data > Create Overrides > Supporting Elements > Supporting Elements

The Supporting Elements page is similar to the Pay Entities - Supporting Elements Override page, but the processing rules differ.