Running Generic Reports

This topic discusses how to run generic reports.

Run the report after selecting additional run time parameters such as summary or detail payee data, sorting, and begin and end dates.

The run control page triggers:

  • The GP_GENRPT Application Engine program. This program prepares parameters for Report Data, which extracts the results for the GPGENRPT SQR process based on the specified run control options and setup.

  • The GPGENRPT SQR program. This program reads the absence results from the extracted Report Data results and formats the report.

Selecting Payees and Periods for List and Summary Reports

The List and Summary reports can cover multiple periods. Using the Period ID, the system establishes date and payee parameters. The system will select and report on all payees that have a segment record with the matching Period IDs. When multiple periods are selected for the List Report, the system will sum the results of all segments selected.

Selecting Payees and Periods for Accumulators

The accumulator report covers a single period. Using the Calendar Group ID, the system establishes date and payee parameters. The Calendar Group ID may contain only one period. However, if the Calendar Group has experienced retroactive processing, then additional rows may appear on the report. For this reason we recommend you select the Print Calendar ID check box to help identify any retroactive row.

Page Name

Definition Name


Create Generic Reports Page


Run generic reports.

Use the Create Generic Reports page (GP_GENRPT_RC) to run generic reports.


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Absence and Payroll Processing > Reports > Create Generic Reports > Create Generic Reports

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Create Generic Reports page.

Create Generic Reports page

To run the report, you must first specify the calendar to include. This is done by either entering Begin and End Dates (for the List and Summary report), or entering the Calendar Group ID (for the accumulator report). Because the List and Summary reports can cover multiple periods of time, enter Period IDs.

Field or Control


Report Type

This field affects the other fields available on this page.

Begin Date

Use this field in combination with the End Date field to construct the report's time frame. The period defined by these dates must match the dates of a defined absence period. Some report types use the Group ID instead.

End Date

Use this field in combination with the Begin Date field to construct the report's time frame. The period defined by these dates must match the dates of a defined pay period. Some report types use the Group ID instead.

Sort Option

This field displays the sort option defined on the Generic Reports-Definition page. You can override this value here.


This field displays the currency defined on the Generic Reports-Definition page. You can override this value here.

Detail of the Payees

Select to report the details of each payee. If this option is not selected, the report includes only summaries by break level. If you do not define breaks for the report, this option is not available.

Group ID

You may select a subset of payees by using the Group ID section and entering a specific Group ID. This Group ID is defined on the Group Build pages in PeopleSoft HR.

As Of Date

Specify the effective-date version of the group to report on.

Refinement Date

If the group definition includes effective-dated records, enter the date for which you want the records run. For example, to run a group with an effective date of January 1, 1990 and run the effective-dated rows in the group as of February 15, 1998, select an As of Date of January 1, 1990 and a Refinement Date of February 15, 1998.

If you leave this field blank, the system runs the group as of the current date.

Rebuild Group

Select to recreate the group before running the generic report.

The Rows and Columns group box appears only for a Summary Type report. The system creates a set of columns for the first 12 months in the reporting period that you define in the Report ID group box. It enters the first and last days of each month in the From Date and the To Date columns. You can manually define different columns for your summary report, up to 12 columns total.