Using Fluid Matrix Calendar View

The Matrix Calendar is a one-stop for the matrix team managers to view for all the team direct reports calendars.

The managers can perform necessary related actions when required very easily from here. The manager's direct and indirect reporters absence information is available at one glance in a day box format for both weekly and bi-weekly periods. The Matrix Calendar is available in smartphones for daily and weekly period views.

Page Name

Definition Name


Matrix Calendar Tile

HC_HCSC_CALENDAR_FLU (this is the cref for the tile)

Access the Matrix Calendar page to view and manage the calendar for direct and indirect reporters.

Team Calendar Views


View the calendar for a week period

Use the Matrix Calendar Tile to navigate to the Team Calendar page to view and manage the calendar and schedule for direct and indirect reporters.


As a manager, you can add the tile, through personalization, to a system-delivered home page or a home page that you create.

This example illustrates the Matrix Calendar tile.

Matrix Calendar Tile

The managers can use the Team Calendar page to view the direct and indirect reports all at once.

By default, the Team Calendar page displays week view. Toggle between the tabs to view the biweekly reports period.

This example illustrates the fields and controls of Team Calendar page weekly view, including indirects.

Team Calendar page weekly view

Select the Bi-Weekly tab to view the calendar for two weeks.

This example illustrates the fields and controls of Team Calendar page Bi Weekly page.

Team Calendar page bi-weekly view

This example illustrates the fields and controls of Team Calendar page footer.

Team Calendar page footer

Field or Control


Search Name or Job Title

Field to search by name or job title.

Legends icon

Show legends and their description.

Settings icon

Select to open a modal page from where you can select to display in Calendar and Preferences.

My Team or My Peer

Select My Team, My Peer, or Matrix from the drop-down list.

Star icon

Select to star an employee for comparison. This icon highlights when the starred employee is selected.

View Calendar

Select to view calendar. You can select a date from here.

Back and forth

Select to navigate to previous or next day in calendar.

Select the Filters to modify the list of employees displayed.

This example illustrates the fields and controls of the ChangeTeam modal.

Team Calendar_Employee Filter

Note: While using a smartphone, you can view the Team Calendars in Daily and Weekly mode and not in Weekly and Bi-Weekly mode as in other devices.

Select the Include Indirects from the footer to view the flattened list of the team reporting or colleagues of the logged in manager.

Select the day box for an employee to view the Details modal, from where the manager can select the related actions and do the necessary operations.

This example illustrates the fields and controls of Team Calendar with details.

Team Calendar_with Details

Select Related Actions on the Details modal to open the related actions. From here, the managers can perform the actions.

This example illustrates the fields and controls of Team Calendar with related actions.

Weekly View_Team Calendar_Related Actions

Note: The organizations can configure which related actions to show.

By selecting the star next to select employees you can do a quick comparison of them.

This example illustrates the fields and controls of Team Calendar with starred employees.

Team Calendar_Starred Employees

This example illustrates the fields and controls of the Display in Calendar modal.

Preferences_Display in Calendar