Using The PeopleSoft Fluid To Manage Leave Donation As An Employee

Employees can use the PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface to donate, receive, terminate, and view leave donation history.

Page Name

Definition Name


Manage Leave Donation Tile

CREF for the tile is HC_HGA_LVDN_LAUNCH_FL

Access the Manage Leave Donation home page.

Manage Leave Donation Home Page


Access the fluid leave donation pages.

Donate Leave Page


Donate leave time to an eligible employee or to a leave bank.

Receive Leave Donation Page


Request donated leave from a leave program for yourself or on behalf of another employee.

Return Unused Leave Page


Return unused donated leave to the donors or a leave bank.

End Leave Donation Page


Used to terminate recurring participation or enrollment in a leave donation program.

Leave Donation History Page


Enables employees to view the history and status of their leave donation requests and edit any saved requests.

Use the Manage Leave Donation tile (CREF is HC_HGA_LVDN_LAUNCH_FL) to access the Manage Leave Donation home page and perform leave donation transactions. Users can also access this tile in SFF: Small Form Factor, such as smart phones.


Employee Self Service > Time

This example illustrates the Manage Leave Donation tile.

Uploaded Manage Leave Donation Tile

Use the Manage Leave Donation tile to access the leave donation transactions easily without using traditional menu navigations.

Use the Manage Leave Donation home page (HC_HGA_LVDN_LAUNCH_FL) to access the leave donation transactions.


Select the Manage Leave Donation Tile.

This example illustrates the Manage Leave Donation home page.

Manage Leave Donation page

The employee can access the following leave donation transactions using the Manage Leave Donation home page:

  • Donate Leave

  • Receive Leave Donation

  • Return Unused Leave

  • End Leave Donation

  • Leave Donation History

Note: By default, the home page displays only the Donate Leave and Receive Leave Donation tiles. Once the employee donates or requests a leave donation, the Leave Donation History tile appears. The employee can see the Return Unused Leave and End Leave Donation tiles after the absence calendar is finalized.

Use the Donate Leave page (HC_HGA_LVDN_REQDON_FL) to donate leave time to an eligible employee or to a leave bank.


Employee Self Service > Time > Manage Leave Donation > Donate Leave

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Donate Leave page when the employee has not made any leave donation.

Leave Donation page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Leave Donation page with existing requests.

Leave Donation page

Field or Control


Return to selection page

Select to go back to the Manage Leave Donation home page.

Add Leave Donation icon or Add

Select to open the Leave Program Details modal and select a leave program for the leave donation.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Leave Program Details Modal.

Leave Program Details Modal

Field or Control


Leave Program

Select the name of an active leave donation program.


Displays how the contributed units of time (hours or days) are allocated to the selected leave donation program. Leave time is donated either to an individual or a leave bank.

Leave Program Type

Displays if the selected leave donation program is ongoing or has been created for a specific event. Valid values are Voluntary or Emergency.

Contribution Type

Displays if the contributors can make a single contribution or recurring contributions to the selected leave donation program.


Displays how often the employees can contribute to the selected leave donation program.

Unit Type

Displays the time units for the selected leave donation program, either hours or days. The names of other fields on this page may change to reflect the displayed Unit Type. To configure the Unit Type, see Leave Program Definition Page.

Ceiling Limit

Displays the maximum contribution a single employee can make to the selected leave donation program over the duration of the program, as specified by the program begin and end dates. The system will not accumulate any contributions from an employee once his or her donations reach this limit.


Displays the minimum units of time an employee can contribute to the selected leave donation program for each recurring contribution.


Displays the maximum units of time an employee can contribute to the selected leave donation program for each recurring contribution.

Begin Date

Displays the start date of the leave program selected.

End Date

Displays the end date of the leave program selected if available.


Select to open the Define Contribution page and submit the leave donation.

Use the Define Contribution page to view the program details and update the leave contribution information.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Define Contribution page.

Define Contribution page

Field or Control


Return to Program Summary

Select to go back to the Leave Donation page.

Program Details

Displays the selected program details for donating leaves.

Expanded View

Toggle the expanded view between Yes or No to show or hide the program details like Program Name, Type, Category, Contribution Type, Unit Type, and End Date.


Select the entitlement plan to donate your time. You can only select entitlements that have been defined at the program definition level. For example, select from vacation time or available sick time any hours or days you want to donate to the selected leave donation program.


Select to open the Balances page in a modal and view your available balances.

Hours to Donate

Enter the units of time (hours or days) to donate to the selected leave donation program.


Enter the name of the individual leave donation recipient.

Requester Comments

Enter comments to the approver for your leave donation request.


Select to open the Agreement and Compliance modal to confirm your submission.

Save for later

Select to save your request without submitting to manage your leave donation at a later time.

Select the check box in the Agreement and Compliance modal to agree to the terms of the leave donation program. You cannot submit the request to donate leave time until the check box in this region is selected. These acknowledgements are assigned on the Leave Transfer Configuration page for every leave donation transaction. For more information, see Leave Transfer Configuration Page and Setting Up the Acknowledgement Framework topics.

Select Confirm and Accept to submit your leave contribution for approval.

Employees can view the submitted donation requests from the View Requests section on the Leave Donation page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Define Contribution page of a submitted leave donation.

View Contribution

The Leave Contribution section shows the entitlement type for that request along with the balance hours and hours donated.

Select Request History to view the summary of the request and its approval status.

Select Approval Chain to view the approver information for the leave contribution request.

Use the Receive Leave Donation page (HC_HGA_LVDN_SSRCV_FLU) to receive leaves from an eligible employee or a leave bank.


Employee Self Service > Time > Manage Leave Donation > Receive Leave Donation

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Receive Leave Donation page.

Receive Leave Donation page

Employees can request donated leave from a leave program for themselves or on behalf of another employee.

Leave donation programs that use the Individual program category do not require a request to receive donated leave.

Select Receive Donation to open the Leave Program Details modal.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Leave Program Details modal.

Leave Program Details Modal

The Leave Program drop down displays the active leave programs for the user. This field is inactive if there are no active leave programs for the user.

Select the leave program name and the system automatically populates the other fields in the Program Details section.

Select Done to navigate to the Receive Donation page and submit your request.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Receive Donation page.

Receive Donation page

Field or Control



Select Other Employee if you are requesting leave time for another employee. You must lookup the name of the employee in the Recipient Name field. Select Self if you are requesting leave time for yourself. The Recipient Name field is not available when you request leave time for yourself.

Begin Date and End Date

Enter the begin and end dates for receiving the requested leave time.

Hours Requested

Enter the units (hours or days) of donated leave time requested for the specified employee.


Select the reason for this leave request. The available choices are defined on the Leave Transfer Configuration page.

Additional Details

Enter any additional details for the receive donation request. If you select Other for Reasonthen this field becomes mandatory.

Requester Comments

Enter comments to the approver for your leave request.

Select Submit to open the Agreement and Compliance modal to confirm submission.

Select the check box in this region to agree to the terms of the leave donation program. You cannot submit the request to receive donated leave time until the check box in this region is selected. You do not need to select the check box in this region when you click the Save for Later button.

Use the Return Unused Leave page (HC_HGA_LVDN_SSRET_FL_GBL) to return unused donated leave to the donors or a leave bank.


Employee Self Service > Time > Manage Leave Donation > Return Unused Leave

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Return Unused Leave page.

Return Unused Leave page

This page enables a leave recipient to return any unused leave time, back to the donors or the leave donation program.

Select the program name in the View Details section to navigate to the Return Unused Leave page of the selected program.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Return Unused Leave page of the selected program.

Return Unused Leave

Field or Control


Received Hours

Displays the units (hours or days) of received leave time.

Hours Used

Displays the units (hours or days) of used leave time.

Unused Hours to Return

Displays the units (hours or days) of unused leave time. The system returns the lesser of the target balance accumulator (RECIEVE_BAL) or the current leave balance of the originating entitlement.

Note: The units of time (hours or days) is displayed based on the configuration of Unit Type in the Leave Program Definition Page.

Use the End Leave Donation page (HC_HGA_LVDN_SSEND_FL_GBL) to terminate the participation of enrollment in a leave donation program.


Employee Self Service > Time > Manage Leave Donation > End Leave Donation

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the End Leave Donation page.

End Leave Donation page

This page enables a donor to end his or her participation in a banked leave program where the donation occurs on a recurring basis.

The system does not return any donated leave time when an employee ends his or her participation in a leave donation program. The return of unused leave time is set up at the program definition level and is controlled by the End Leave Donation page. Termination of enrollment occurs during the next available calendar run after the termination request has been approved.

Terminating leave program participation and returning unused leave time are auto-approved requests. The system automatically approves these requests without input from a program administrator.

Select the program name in the View Details section to navigate to the End Leave Donation page of the selected program.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the End Leave Donation page of the selected program.

End Leave Donation

Field or Control


Termination Date

Displays the current date. This date indicates the effective date to end participation in the leave donation program. The recurring donation stops during the next available open calendar run.

Select the check box in this region to agree to the terms of the leave donation program. You cannot terminate your participation in the leave donation program until the check box in this region is selected.

Use the Leave Donation History page (HC_HGA_SS_LD_HIST_FL_GBL) to view the history and status of your leave donation requests and edit any saved requests.


Employee Self Service > Time > Manage Leave Donation > Leave Donation History

This page enables an employee to view, track, and edit any outstanding leave donation program requests.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Leave Donation History page.

Leave Donation History page

Field or Control


Request History

Displays the list of all donation requests with the LeaveProgram Name, Request Type, Submit Date, and Approval Status.

Request Type

Displays the type of request. Donate indicates that you requested a donation to the leave donation program specified in the Leave Program Name field.

Receive indicates that the system received a request to receive donated leave time.

Terminate indicates that the system received a request to end the donated leave.

Submit Date

Displays the date that leave time was received from or donated to a leave donation program.

Approval Status

Displays the status of the request. Values are Submitted or Approved.

Note: Denied or Unprocessed request are not available for editing.

Select a request from the Request History section to view the request details.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Request History modal.

View Request History