Reviewing Charges

This section discusses how to review charges.

Page Name

Definition Name


Charge Page


View how Benefits Billing charges and payments add up for a selected employee.

Charge Detail Page


View details of charge actions.

Charge Summary by Bill Period Page


Arranges a participant's charges by billing period.

Charge Summary by Plan Type Page


Arranges a participant's charges by plan type.

Use the Charge page (BILL_CHRG_VW) to view how Benefits Billing charges and payments add up for a selected employee.


Benefits > Benefits Billing > Calculate and Review Charges > Review Billing Charge Details > Charge

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Charge page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Charge page

Field or Control


Charge ID

A system-generated number that ensures the uniqueness of Billing Charge records.

CBR Evt ID (COBRA event ID)

If this coverage is calculated under COBRA, provides a link to the COBRA event.

Benefit Program, Coverage Code, Benefit Plan, and Deduction Code

Obtained from the participant's Manage Base Benefits business process records.

These fields can be used to trace back to the rate tables and calculation rules that created the charge.

(CAN) Sales Tax

Appears if the charge is for Canadian sales tax associated with another benefits charge.

Date Due and Date Overdue

You can modify these dates.

Print Period

Indicates the begin and end dates of the billing calendar during which the statement for this charge was sent.


The original charge calculated by the batch calculation process or entered in the Charge Entry page.

Charge Adjustments

From the Adjust Charges page.

Payment Adjustments

From the Adjust Payments page.

Note: Participants who are billed for more than one billing period, or who are billed for more than one plan type, employee record number, or COBRA event within a particular billing period, have multiple billing charge records.

Use the Charge Detail page (BILL_CHRG_DET) to view details of charge actions.


Benefits > Benefits Billing > Calculate and Review Charges > Review Billing Charge Details > Charge Detail

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Charge Detail page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Charge Detail page

Field or Control


Posting Date

Displays the dates on which actions were entered into the system.

For detail records with an action type of Charge, the posting date is the last day of the billing cycle.

Action Type

Possible actions include Charge, Charge Adjustment, Payment, and Payment Adjustment.


The amount of the original charge. If the charge is associated with a Canadian sales tax, the sales tax type (GST, PST, PSTI, and so on) is indicated as well.

Use the Charge Summary by Bill Period page (BILL_CSUM_BY_BPER) to arranges a participant's charges by billing period.


Benefits > Benefits Billing > Calculate and Review Charges > Charge Summary by Bill Period > Charge Summary by Bill Period

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Charge Summary by Bill Period page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Rvw Charge Smry by Bill Period page

(CAN) If the charge is associated with a Canadian sales tax, the sales tax type (GST, PST, PSTI, and so on) is indicated before the Charge column.

Use the Charge Summary by Plan Type page (BILL_CSUM_BY_PTYPE) to arranges a participant's charges by plan type.


Benefits > Benefits Billing > Calculate and Review Charges > Charge Summary by Plan Type > Charge Summary by Plan Type

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Charge Summary by Plan Type page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Rvw Charge Smry by Plan Type page

(CAN) If the charge is associated with a Canadian sales tax, the system displays the sales tax type (GST, PST, PSTI, and so on) of the charge to the left of the charge amount.