Reviewing the Carryover Amount during Benefits Enrollment

This topic describes how to review the carryover amount during benefits enrollment.

Use the Spending Accounts page for Plan Type 60 to review the FSA carryover amount during benefits enrollment. The Carryforward section displays the available carryover amount.


Benefits > Enroll In Benefits > Spending Accounts

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Spending Accounts page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Spending Accounts page

The Carryover Amount is generated as follows, depending on whether the FSA Admin installation table is used:

Installation Table

Spending Accounts – Carryover fields

FSA Admin is selected

The FSA Admin feature is in use. The carryover amount is generated by the system.

The Carryover Amount field is display only.

FSA Admin is not selected

Only Base Benefits is in use. The carryover amount is not generated by the system.

  • The Carryover Amount field is display only.

  • The amount displayed is entered through carryover adjustment.