Setting Up and Managing Correction/Replacement of Forms 1094-C and 1095-C

PeopleSoft Benefits generates transmission ACA data to the IRS as two XML transmittal files: Request file and Manifest file. If these files are rejected by the IRS, then the Manifest file and a Correction Request file has to be re-generated as replacement files for re-submission. If the file is accepted by the IRS but there is error to a form, then a Correction Form 1095-C will be issued to the employee, and the Correction Request file along with a Manifest file will be submitted to the IRS.

Page Name

Definition Name


Import ACA Transmission Acknowledgement Page


To upload the IRS Transmission Acknowledgement file.

ACA Transmission Errors Page


To view the ACA transmittal errors.

ACA Transmission History Page


To review a history of when the Create Transmittal File processes were run.

ACA Employer Transmittal Data Pages



To view or modify the employer transmittal data after the data extraction process.

ACA Employee Transmittal Data Pages




To view or modify the employee transmittal data after the extraction process.

Create ACA XML Files Page


To generate the ACA transmittal files and the PDF version of Form 1095-C.

View Form 1095-C Page


To view Form 1095-C as Administrator.

Use the Import ACA Transmission Acknowledgement page (ACA_IMPORT_ACK) to upload the IRS Transmission Acknowledgement file.


Benefits > ACA Annual Processing > Transmittal and Forms > Import ACA Transmission Acknowledgement

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Import ACA Transmission Acknowledgement page.

Import ACA Transmission Acknowledgement page

Use the ACA Transmission Errors Page (ACA_XMIT_ACK) to view the ACA transmittal errors.


Benefits > ACA Annual Processing > Transmittal and Forms > ACA Transmission Errors

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the ACA Transmission Errors page.

ACA Transmission Errors page

Use the ACA Transmission History page (ACA_XMIT_HIST) to review a history of when the Create Transmittal File processes were run. This page is also used for entering the Receipt IDs received from IRS after submission.


Benefits > ACA Annual Processing > Transmittal and Forms > ACA Transmission History

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the ACA Transmission History page.

ACA Transmission History page

Field or Control


Process Type

The Process Type field indicates whether the transmittal file is an original file, reissue file, replacement file, or correction file.

Receipt ID

Enter the Receipt ID received from the IRS on submission of the files

Transmittal Status

Enter the Transmittal Status of the files as mentioned in the Acknowledgement file from the IRS.

The options available are: Accepted, Accepted with Error, Created in Error, Not Transmitted, Rejected. By default the Transmittal Status is displayed as Not Transmitted.

Use the ACA Employer Transmittal Data pages (ACA_ALE_XMIT_PART1 and ACA_ALE_XMIT_PART2) to view or modify the employer transmittal data after the data extraction process.


Benefits > ACA Annual Processing > Create ACA Form Data > ACA Employer Transmittal Data

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the ACA Employer Transmittal Data page.

ACA Employer Transmittal Data page - ALE Member tab

Field or Control


Process Status

Defines the status of Data Extract, such as, PeopleSoft Extracted, User Modified, Merged with Data Load, Created In Error, Merge Error, Finalized for Transmittal, and Transmittal Created. You can add a ‘User Modified’ row to modify data before creating the 1094-C transmittal file.

Correct Form 1094-C

Select this checkbox to make a correction to the Form 1094-C.

Note: Address is extracted based on the country format.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the ACA Employer Transmittal Data page - ALE Monthly Data tab.

ACA Employer Transmittal Data page - ALE Monthly Data tab

Use the ACA Employee Transmittal Data pages (ACA_EMP_XMIT_PART1, ACA_EMP_XMIT_PART2 and ACA_EMP_XMIT_PART3) to view or modify the employee transmittal data after the extraction process.


Benefits > ACA Annual Processing > Create ACA Form Data > ACA Employee Transmittal Data

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the ACA Employee Transmittal Data page - ACA Employee tab.

ACA Employee Transmittal Data page - ACA Employee tab

Field or Control


Process Status

Defines the process status of data transmittal, such as, Created in Error, Finalized for Transmittal, Merge Error, Merged with Data Load, PeopleSoft Extracted, Transmittal Created, and User Modified.

Note: The Created in Error option is used to remove data that were entered in error, before the form is transmitted.

Submission ID

Represents the system assigned Submission ID in an IRS transmission file. It is generated by the Create XML File Process during the Final run.

Record ID

Represents the system assigned Record ID within the above Submission ID, as referenced in an IRS transmission file. An IRS transmission file may contain one or more records in one submission. This is generated by the Create XML File Process during Final run.

Form Type

The options available are:

  • Original

  • Reissue – Between the time when Form 1095-C are furnished to employees but the Transmittal file has not been submitted to IRS, administrator can reissue Form 1095-C to their employees. Add a user modified row with the changes required and select the Reissue radio button to indicate that this data row is for issuing a reissue form. Once changes are verified, set the Process Status to ‘Finalized for Transmittal’ and run the Create XML File (Reissue) process.

  • Correction– After the Transmittal file is submitted to the IRS, if any correction needs to be made to the Form 1095-C, the administrator can choose to run the Correction process. Add a user modified row with the corrections and select the Correction radio button to indicate that this data row is for correcting a form. Once changes are verified, set the Process Status to ‘Finalized for Transmittal’ and run the Create XML File (Correction) process.


To void a Form 1095-C, select the Reissue or Correction radio button and select the Void checkbox.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the ACA Employee Transmittal Data page - Employee Monthly Data tab.

ACA Employee Transmittal Data page - Employee Monthly Data tab

Field or Control


Plan Start Month

This is an optional field for 2015. The system defaults it to ‘00’.

Box ID 15: Employee Monthly Data

The data from the first row Self Only Lowest Premium Cost populates the corresponding box in the Form 1095-C.

The Self Low Cost Base Benefits, Self Low Cost BA No Credit andSelf Low Cost BA With Credit are three working rows used to calculate cost and credits.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the ACA Employee Transmittal Data page - Covered Individual Data tab.

ACA Employee Transmittal Data page - Covered Individual Data tab

Use the Create ACA XML Files page (ACA_RUN_BAC020) to generate the ACA transmittal file(s) and the PDF version of Form 1095-C.


Benefits ACA Annual Processing Transmittal and Forms Create ACA Transmittal Files

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Create ACA XML Files page.

Create ACA XML Files page

Field or Control


Data Extract ID

Enter the Data Extract ID that was used to run the data extract. Data extracted using this rule will be used to generate the transmittal file(s) and the PDF forms.

Applicable Large Employer

The Applicable Large Employer for which data is being reported.

Calendar Year

The calendar year for which data is being reported.

Sort By

First sort option of the employees being reported.

Within Sort, Order By

Second sort option within the Sort By option, of the employees being processed.

Process Type

The options available are:

  • Original – This is the default value.

  • Reissue – Select this option to correct a Form 1095-C that was previously furnished to an employee, but not filed with the IRS. Also use this option to correct Form 1094-C information. When this option is selected, the word “CORRECTED” will be printed on the new Form 1095-C to be furnished to the employee. The Manifest and Request files will be re-generated for all the employees from the original file and replaced with the latest information.

  • Correction – Select this option to correct an information return that was previously filed and Accepted (with or without errors) by the IRS, but contained erroneous or incorrect information.

  • Replace Submission - Select this option to replace a rejected submission by the IRS.

  • Replace Transmission - Select this option to replace a rejected transmission by the IRS.

Receipt ID

If Replace Submission or Replace Transmission is selected, select the Receipt ID of the file to be replaced.

Final Run

Select this check box to process the final run.

For a preliminary run (when the Final Run checkbox is not selected), the Request file will be generated with a temporary file name. No Manifest file will be generated. Only the Benefits Administrator can view Form 1095-C records which are created in a preliminary run.

For the final run, the Request file will be generated with the file name specified by the IRS. The Manifest file will be generated. Form 1095-C records which are created in the final run will be available for viewing in Self Service.

Note: Perform Final Run only when the preliminary runs have been satisfactory and results have been verified. Once Final Run is processed for selected ALE employer and ACA employee data, the same data cannot be reprocessed in a subsequent Final Run. An exception to this is before the transmittal files from the Final Run have been transmitted to IRS and the reissue of Form 1095-C is required. In which case, new sequenced data can be added to prepare the employee data for reissue.


Select this check box to rerun an Original, Reissue, or Correction process in Final Run. The Manifest and Request files will be re-generated with identical information.

ACA ALE Sequence

For Rerun and Original or Correction process, select the ACA ALE Sequence to which the rerun is to be processed. The ACA ALE Sequence is located on the ACA Transmission History.

File Type

Displays the File Type selection on the ACA Transmittal Parameters page. Once communication test is passed and IRS moved the ALE to production, file type should be changed from AATS to Production.

Number of Records Per File

Each file transmitted to the IRS must not exceed the 100MB file size limit imposed by the IRS. If the submission is larger than 100MB, it must be split into two or more separate file transmissions. The default Number of Records Per File is set at the ACA Transmittal Parameters page.

Note: If the generated file exceeds 100MB during preliminary runs, reduce the number of records and re-generate the files.

Blank Plan Start Month

Select this check box to print blank Plan Start Month on Form 1095-C and to omit the data element equivalent in the transmittal file. This option is only visible when Calendar Year is 2015, when reporting of Plan Start Month is optional.

Test Scenario ID

Enter the number of a test scenario as prescribed by IRS. (This is only used with File Type AATS.)

Total Form Filed for ALE

Enter Total Form Filed for ALE that corresponds to the Test Scenario ID selected. (This is only used with File Type AATS.)

Use the View Form 1095-C page (ACA_SS_YE_FORM) to view Form 1095-C. A Benefits Administrator can view all employees’ Form 1095-Cs, irrespective of whether or not they are finalized.


Benefits ACA Annual Processing Transmittal and Forms View Form 1095-C

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the View Form 1095-C page.

View Form 1095-C page

Field or Control


Form Status

Form Status is either Original, Reissue, or Correction.

Tax Form

Click the Tax Form link to open a PDF version of Form 1095-C.

Filing Instructions

Click the Filing Instructions link to open a PDF document containing filing instructions.

Final Print

This check box identifies forms which are final and which are preliminary only.