Terminating Dependent Enrollments or Beneficiary Status

Remember that you enroll dependents and assign beneficiaries when you enroll employees. To terminate a dependent enrollment or beneficiary status, you must enter a row of data with the termination date (just as you do with employees). You make these changes on the enrollment page for the benefit in question, such as the Life & AD/D Benefits page. You do not make the changes in the Update Dependent/Beneficiary component.

If you try to delete dependent/beneficiary records on benefit enrollment pages that have court orders applied to them, the system informs you that the dependent or beneficiary has a court order that provides a legal right to benefit coverage.

Warning! If you delete dependent and beneficiary data using the Update Dependent/Beneficiary component, you'll destroy history. After you change enrollment data, the fact that the dependent or beneficiary data is available on the Update Dependent/Beneficiary component won't matter. In fact, it must remain to provide correct historical information.