Reprocessing Participant Events

If an event requires reprocessing, click the Reprocess button on the On-Demand Event Maintenance page to reprocess the event to a previous stage of the Benefits Administration process. The Reprocess button is not available for events with AS status.

As with the normal Benefits Administration process, use the Event Status Update page to identify events that may need reprocessing. To open the Event Status Update page from the On-Demand Maintenance page, click the Event Status button.

Note: If you need to reprocess an event that has been closed, open Event Status Update, close the currently open event, and open the event that you want to reprocess. When you return to the On-Demand Event Maintenance page, the system displays the event that you reopened for processing.

Use the Process Indicator menu to indicate the level to which you want the system to reprocess the event. The following table describes Process Indicator values:

Process Indicator


A (assign benefit program)

Event status must be Open.

Schedule assignment is not reviewed or changed.

Elections for participant events are rolled back (deleted) from the Base Benefit enrollment tables. Elections are not retained in the BAS_PARTIC table.

Program eligibility is determined again.

Option eligibility, cost credits, defaults, and preentry are recalculated.

The system attempts to reprocess participants to PR status.

E (elect options)

Event status must be Open.

Schedule assignment, program assignment, and option eligibility are not reviewed or changed.

The system rolls back elections from Base Benefit enrollment tables. Elections are retained in the BAS_PARTIC table.

The process revalidates elections for this event and loads them, if no errors occur, back into the Base Benefit enrollment tables, resetting the final process status to FE.

N (normal processing)

Standard processing for Benefits Administration.

P (prepare options)

Event status must be Open.

Schedule assignment and program assignment are not reviewed or changed.

Elections for participant events are rolled back (deleted) from the Base Benefit enrollment tables. Elections are not retained in the BAS_PARTIC table.

The system recalculates option eligibility, cost credits, defaults, and preentry information.

The system attempts to reprocess participants to PR status.

R (reenter)

Use to correct election errors for finalized events when enrollment information has been loaded to benefit tables.

Event status must be Open.

Schedule assignment, program assignment, and option eligibility are not reviewed or changed.

The system rolls back elections from Base Benefit enrollment tables. It retains elections for this event in the BAS_PARTIC table. The system leaves the event at a process status of RE.

When you post election changes to the data entry component, the system updates the process status to ET.

V (void)

The system updates the event status to Void and removes the event from processing.

The system does not review schedule assignment, program assignment, and option eligibility.

If the event is in a process status of FE-Enrolled, elections are rolled back from Base Benefit enrollment tables. The system retains prior elections for this event in the BAS_PARTIC table. The system leaves the event at a process status of RE.