Understanding On-Demand Event Maintenance Processing

The administration of an event maintenance or open enrollment schedule can extend from several days to several weeks, depending upon the number of employees involved. This can involve time correcting processing errors, delivering enrollment forms, entering employee elections as the forms are returned, validating elections, and sending out confirmation notices.

With on-demand event maintenance, you can run an individual participant through the entire Benefits Administration process—from participant event scheduling to enrollment confirmation—with a single page.

Using on-demand event maintenance, you can:

  • Process participant events quickly, without setting up run controls.

  • Correct processing errors as they occur.

  • Link to Benefits Administration pages to review processing information and enter option elections.

On-Demand Event Scenarios

You might use on-demand event maintenance for an employee who has been promoted and is transferring offices in a few days. In one day, you could:

  • Produce a benefits package.

  • Enter elections.

  • Produce a confirmation statement.

You can also integrate the On-Demand Event Maintenance page into the standard Benefits Administration processing cycle. For example, a new hire is typically scheduled as a participant event during a regularly scheduled Event Maintenance batch process. However, what if the new employee needs to submit an enrollment form right away to make a doctor's appointment and show proof of medical insurance? You can use the On-Demand Event Maintenance page to produce the enrollment statement on demand. The employee makes elections that same day using the company's interactive voice response system or self-service website with eBenefits, and the system finalizes the elections and prints a confirmation statement during the next run of the Benefits Administration process for the normal event maintenance schedule.