Understanding the Benefits Administration Preparation Process

The next table outlines the steps that you need to follow to prepare your system for open enrollment and event maintenance processing. Follow these steps only after you have designed your eligibility and event rules and created your benefit programs:



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Double-check benefit program setup.

Look over the benefit programs. Ensure that your event rules and eligibility rules are configured.

Building Automated Benefit Programs

Setting Up Eligibility Rules

Creating Event Rules

Build pay calendars.

Build pay calendars for the new plan year.

Building Pay Calendars (if needed)

Run the base benefit audit.

Ensure that benefit information is accurate.

BEN733 Base Benefit Audit Report

Define PeopleSoft Benefits Administration group IDs.

Determine which groups of participants are processed by a particular open enrollment or event maintenance schedule.

Identifying Benefits Administration Groups

Define open enrollment IDs and Snapshot IDs (use only for open enrollment and snapshot processing).

Identify the benefit programs to be included in open enrollment or snapshot processing.

Defining Open Enrollment and Snapshot IDs (use if defining Open Enrollment process)

Setting Up Snapshot ID (use if defining Snapshot process)

Create schedules for Benefits Administration processes.

Define schedules for your Open Enrollment and Event Maintenance processes and associate a group ID and a company with each one to define the groups of employees they will process. If you are defining an open enrollment or a snapshot process, associate an appropriate open enrollment or snapshot ID with the processing schedule.

Establishing a Processing Schedule