Viewing Claim and Payment Details

This section provides an overview of claim and payment details.

Page Name

Definition Name


FSA Claim Details Page



View FSA claim entry information for Canada and the U.S. (on separate pages).

FSA Payment Details CAN Page


View payment detail for Canada and the U.S. for any claim payment.

FSA Year-to-Date Activity Page


View all year-to-date data for Canada and the U.S. for an employee.

Claim detail refers to specific claims. Payment detail refers to specific payments that an employee receives during a plan year. Year-to-date activity refers to total pledge, contribution, claim, and payment amounts.

Use the FSA Claim Details page to view claim detail for any claim. You locate a claim by entering one or more search criteria.

To request a search based on FSA claim status, enter one of these codes: F (fully processed), J (rejected), P (pending), R (ready to pay), S (submitted), or X (reversed).

Note: (CAN) Canadian users can review two levels of claim details. Both U.S. and Canadian users review claims at the first level of claim details, the FSA Claim Details page. Canadian users use the Health Care Participant - Claim Details page to review further details about health care and retirement counseling claims.

Use the FSA Claim Details CAN page (FSA_CLAIM_DETAILS) to view FSA claim entry information for Canada.


Benefits > Admin Flex Spending Acct CAN > Review Claim/Payment Info > FSA Claim Details CAN > FSA Claim Details CAN

Select the FSA Claim Details tab.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FSA Claim Details CAN page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

FSA Claim Details (CAN) page

Field or Control


Claim Details

This group box contains various claim amounts, such as amounts approved and denied.


When you enter claim data, the system sets the claim status to Submitted. When the system approves payment for a claim, it sets the status to Ready to Pay, Pending, or Fully Processed.

Claim Payments

This group box provides payment information for this claim. Note that you might see more than one check for the same claim. This can happen in a situation in which the system held part of a claim and then paid it after funds became available.

Use the FSA Payment Details CAN page or FSA Payment Details page (FSA_PAYMENT_DETAIL) to view payment detail for Canada and the US.


  • Benefits > Admin Flex Spending Acct CAN > Review Claim/Payment Info > FSA Payment Details > FSA Payment Details CAN

  • Benefits > Admin Flex Spending Acct US > Review Claim/Payment Info > FSA Payment Details > FSA Payment Details

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FSA Payment Details CAN page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

FSA Payment Details CAN page

The layouts of FSA Payment Details CAN page and FSA Payment Details page are identical.

Field or Control


Paymt Stat (payment status)

The system displays one of these values:

  • Pay This Run: Payment has been calculated and authorized, but a check has not yet been printed.

  • Reversed: Payment was canceled before a check was printed (although a check number was still allotted).

  • Paid: A check has been printed.

  • Void: A check was printed and subsequently voided.

Use the FSA Claim Details page (FSA_CLAIM_DETAILS) to review FSA claim entry information.


Benefits > Admin Flex Spending Acct CAN > Review Claim/Payment Info > FSA Claim Details > FSA Claim Details

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FSA Claim Details page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

FSA Claim Details page

Field or Control


Deduction Begin and Deduction End

Displays the dates on which the first and last deductions can be taken from a participant's paycheck.

Coverage Begin and Coverage End

Displays the dates on which FSA coverage begins and ends.

Account Status

Displays the current status of the FSA account.

Amount Available

Displays the annual pledge amount minus claims amounts that have been submitted or paid. This can be more than the contributions that the employee has made to date.

Split Claims

Select to split or divide a claim into two with payments paid out of both plans during Claims Processing.

Note: A claim can be split if it is eligible to be paid under two different plan years due to overlapping service dates and the submitted amount exceeds the amount available from the first plan year.

Use the FSA Year-to-Date Activity page (FSA_YTD_ACTIVITY) to view all year-to-date data for Canada and the U.S. for an employee.


  • Benefits > Admin Flex Spending Acct CAN > Review Claim/Payment Info > FSA Year-to-Date Activity CAN > FSA Year-to-Date Activity CAN

  • Benefits > Admin Flex Spending Acct US > Review Claim/Payment Info > FSA Year-to-Date Activity > FSA Year-to-Date Activity

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FSA Year-to-Date Activity page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Year-to-Date Activity page

Field or Control


FSA Account Status

Update the status of this account. The system maintains this status, but you can update it. You might do this, for example, if you decide to close an account before the end of the year (however, you would typically use the Manage Base Benefits business process to terminate an employee's FSA election).