Setting Up Uniform Resource Locators

The enrollment form and other benefit transaction pages are designed to display links to:

  • Employee handbooks.

  • Benefit provider websites.

  • Service provider websites.

You enter the specific uniform resource locator (URL) address, description, and identifier on the URL table. When you have done this, enter only the identifying code in the Benefit Program, Vendor, and Benefit Plan tables.

The SPD URL ID field on the Benefit Plan Table page has priority over theGeneral Policy URL ID field in the Provider/Vendor Table - Policy Information page when the system displays one or the other next to the plan provider.

The following rules determine which URL appears next to the plan name on benefit plan review pages:

  • If a URL identifier is associated with the SPD URL ID field on the Benefit Plan Table page, it is the link that appears on the benefit plan review page.

  • If a URL identifier is associated with the General Policy URL ID field on the Provider/Vendor Table - Policy Information page andnoSPD URL ID value is defined on the Benefit Plan Table page, it is the link that appears on the benefit plan review page.

The Authorized Providers URL ID value on the Provider/Vendor Table - Policy Information page is independent of the links listed previously. If a URL identifier is connected to theAuthorized Providers URL ID field, then that link appears on the Review page next to Find a Health Care Provider under the Additional Information section. This link is for health plan types only; no link appears for the other plan types.

For the General Policy URL IDs andAuthorized Providers URL ID links to work, a group number is required on both the Provider/Vendor and Benefit Plan tables.

Oracle recommends that you use a prefix naming convention in the PeopleSoft application, such as the one shown here:

  • Use SPD as a prefix when defining Summary Plan Description URL IDs (SMRYPLNDOC_URL_ID): SPD_AETNAPPO.

  • Use GEN as a prefix when defining the General Policy URL ID (POLICY_URL_ID): GEN_AETNA.

  • Use PRV as a prefix when defining the Authorized Providers URL ID (VENDOR_URL_ID): PRV_AETNA.

See product documentation for PeopleTools: System and Server Administration for more information.

These URLs provide links to the enrollment handbook. A link to the entire handbook can exist and a link to each of the plan-type sections can exist.

Because the handbooks may vary by benefit program, the keys are benefit program and plan type. The URL identifiers are on the benefit program definition at both the program and plan-type levels.

One URL can exist for the entire handbook or separate URLs for each plan type.

These URL identifiers provide links to the provider home pages or to a company intranet site. The fields are defined on the Provider/Vendor table.

These URL identifiers provide links to the provider's PCP finder and are applicable only for health plan types. The fields are defined on the Provider/Vendor table.

These URL identifiers provide links to the plan summary plan descriptions (SPDs). The fields are defined on the Benefit Plan table.