Defining Content for the Language Checker Tool

To define content for the Language Checker tool, use the Language Checker Suggestions (EP_CHK_SUG_TBL) and Language Checker Words (EP_CHK_WRD_TBL) components.

This section discusses how to define language checker content.

Page Name

Definition Name


Language Checker Word Page


Define the objectionable words and phrases, and link them to suggested wordings.

Language Checker Suggestion Page


Define suggested wordings.

Use the Language Checker Word page (EP_CHK_WRD_TBL) to define the objectionable words and phrases, and link them to suggested wordings.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > ePerformance > Advisor Tools > Language Checker Words > Language Checker Word

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Language Checker Word page.

Language Checker Word page

Field or Control


Words and Phrases

Enter the word or phrase that is deemed inappropriate in a performance document. Case is not important (the Language Checker tool is not case-sensitive). When invoked, the Language Checker tool follows these search rules:

  • If you enter a single word here, the Language Checker tool searches for whole words that match.

  • If you enter multiple words, the Language Checker tool looks for phrases with an exact match.

Content Supplier

Select the source of the content. The default value is Customer Defined.

Suggestion ID

Enter the ID for the suggested words or phrases that managers can use instead of the words and phrases entered on this page. You define language suggestions and IDs on the Language Checker Suggestion page.

Language Suggestions

Displays the language suggestions that are associated with the suggestion ID.

Use the Language Checker Suggestion page (EP_CHK_SUG_TBL) to define suggested wordings.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > ePerformance > Advisor Tools > Language Checker Suggestions > Language Checker Suggestion

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Language Checker Suggestion page.

Language Checker Suggestion page

Field or Control


Content Supplier

Select the source of the content: Customer Defined or the third-party supplier's name.

Language Suggestions

Enter language suggestions for words and phrases, or list the reasons why the manager should not use certain words and phrases.

Proper Usage

Enter examples of the proper usage of words or phrases.

Incorrect Usage

Enter examples of the incorrect usage of words or phrases.