Promoting Employees

These topics provide an overviews of employee promotions, promoting employees, approving promotions, and viewing promotion status, and list the pages used for employee promotions.

Page Name

Definition Name


Promote Employee - Employee Selection Criteria Page


Enter the employee reporting as of date and select the employee to promote.

Promote Employee Page


Request a promotion for one of your direct report employees or approve or deny a promotion request for an employee.

Submit Confirmation Page


Confirms the request was successfully submitted.

Approve Promotion Page


Select an employee that has a promotion transaction request to approve or deny the promotion for that employee.

Select a Transaction - Employee Promotion Requests Page


View the status of an employee's promotion request that you have submitted.

PeopleSoft provides three self-service transactions to facilitate employee promotions:

  • Promote Employees, which enables managers to submit a promotion request.

  • Approve Promotion, when enables approving managers to either approve or deny the request.

  • View Promotion Status, which enables managers to review where the request stands in the approval process.

Requesting a Promotion

To request an employee's promotion, managers:

  1. Access the Promote Employee page.

  2. Enter the effective date and click the Continue button.

  3. Select the employee or employees to promote and click the Continue button.

  4. Enter the reason for the promotion and the promotion method, and click the Submit button.

    If position management is set to None, then the only promotion method allowed is By Department and/or Job Title. If position management is set to Full, then By Position is the only promotion method allowed.

Approving a Promotion

To approve a promotion, the approving manager or proxy:

  1. Access the Approve Promotion page.

  2. Click the Approve or Deny button.

  3. To add an approver, click the (+) plus button and select the approver from the list.

  4. Click the Submit button.

Viewing a Promotion Status

To view the status of an employee's promotion:

  1. Access the Promotion Status - Select a Transaction page.

  2. Select the transaction you want to view.