(JPN) Setting Up the YEA Data Self-Service Transaction

To set up the YEA data self-service transaction, use the YEA Self Service Setup JPN (GPJP_YEA_SETUP_GBL) component.

Page Name

Definition Name


Year End Adjustment Self Service Setup Page


Specify the period during which the YEA data self-service transaction is available to employees and specify the effective date of tax and deduction data entered through the transaction.

Use the Year End Adjustment Self Service Setup page (GPJP_YEA_SETUP) to specify the period during which the YEA data self-service transaction is available to employees and specify the effective date of tax and deduction data entered through the transaction.


Set Up HCM > Common Definitions > Self Service > YEA Self Service Setup JPN > Year End Adjustment Self Service Setup

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Year End Adjustment Self Service Setup page.

Year End Adjustment Self Service Setup page

Field or Control


Object Year

The year that is being adjusted.

As Of Date

The system uses this date when retrieving current information from effective-dated tables. The system also uses this date as the effective date when loading YEA self-service data into tables.

From and Through

Enter the begin and end dates of the period that employees can access the YEA data self-service transaction.