Entering Applicant Data

This topic discusses how to enter applicant data.

Page Name

Definition Name


Create Applicant Page


Create a new applicant record.

Create Applicant Page: Personal Information Tab


Manage basic identifying information about the applicant, including name and contact information.

Create Applicant Page: Applications Tab


View a list of applications for the applicant. This tab appears after you first save a new applicant record on the Create Applicant page.

Create Applicant Page: References Tab


Manage an applicant’s references and send a request for references.

Reference Details Page


Add or edit detailed reference information.

Create Applicant page: Eligibility & Identity Tab


Manage eligibility and identity information that may be required to comply with local or country regulatory requirements

National Identification Page


Enter national ID information for an applicant.

Citizenship Page


Enter citizenship information for an applicant.

Visa Permit Page


Enter visa permit information for an applicant.

Bank Account Page


Enter bank account information for an applicant.

Disability History Page


View an applicant’s disability status history.

Use the Create Applicant page (HRS_ADD_APPLICANT) to create a new applicant record.

Note: To view data for an existing applicant, use the Manage Applicant page: Applicant Data Tab.


Recruiting > Create Applicant

Initially, the Create Applicant page includes three tabs: Personal Information, References, and Eligibility and Identity. When you save the applicant, the Applications tab appears, and identifying information about the applicant appears in the header area between the toolbar and the tabs.

This example illustrates the Create Applicant page before saving, when there are three tabs.

Create Applicant page before saving

This example illustrates the Create Applicant page after saving. Now there are four tabs, and the applicant’s name and ID are displayed at the top of the page. Also, the toolbar now includes the Manage Applicant button for accessing the Manage Applicant page.

Create Applicant page after saving

Processing That Occurs When the Record is First Saved

You must supply the applicant’s name before you can save the record. When the record is first saved, the system assigns an applicant ID, adds header information and an Applications tab to the Create Applicant page, and creates an application for the applicant. The new application is not associated with any job openings.

If you supply an employee ID for the applicant before the first save, the system copies employee profile data into the new application. Otherwise, the new application is blank except for default preference data.

Toolbar and Header Area

Field or Control



Click to save the applicant data.

Save and Create Another

Click to save the applicant data and immediately open a new blank applicant record.

Recruiting Home

Click to navigate to the Recruiting Home Page.

Manage Applicant

This button appears after you save the record. Click to access the Manage Applicant Page for the newly created applicant. The Manage Applicant page enables you to manage the recruiting process for the applicant, add contact notes, and view and update applicant data.

Name and Applicant ID

These fields display identifying information about the applicant. They appear only after you save the record, which is when the system assigns an applicant ID.


Field or Control


Personal Information

Use the Create Applicant Page: Personal Information Tab to manage name and contact data along with general information such as the applicant type and applicant status.


Use the Create Applicant Page: Applications Tab to access the application that the system creates when you first save the applicant record. You can also create additional applications from this tab.


Use the Create Applicant Page: References Tab to manage and request applicant references.

Eligibility & Identity

Use the Create Applicant page: Eligibility & Identity Tab to manage various information that may be required to comply with local or country regulatory requirements. Because much of this information is sensitive, this tab is visible only to recruiting administrators.

Use the Create Applicant page: Personal Information tab (HRS_ADD_APPLICANT) to enter personal information and contact information for an applicant. You can also manage this data on the Manage Applicant page: Applicant Data tab: Personal Information subsection.


  • Recruiting > Create Applicant

    Access the Personal Information tab.

  • Recruiting > Search Applicants

    Click an applicant name to access the Manage Applicant page, then access the Applicant Data tab: Personal Information subsection.

This example illustrates the Create Applicant page: Personal Information tab

Create Applicant page: Personal Information tab


Field or Control


Applicant Type

Select the type of applicant: External, Employee, or Non-Employee.

Non-employee indicates that the applicant is a person of interest (rather than an employee) in your Human Resources system.

When Candidate Gateway creates an applicant record, it assigns the applicant types based on the navigation or link that the applicant used to access the site.

Preferred Contact

Select the preferred method of contact for the applicant. Values are: Email, Mail, Phone, and Not Specified.

Employee ID

If this is an employee or a person of interest in the system, select the employee ID.

If you have not yet saved the applicant record, entering an employee ID sets the applicant type to Employee or Non-Employee based on the information in PeopleSoft Human Resources. When you enter an employee ID, the system imports the employee’s personal information and eligibility & identity data into the applicant record, replacing any existing data. Clearing the field reverses these changes.

When you first save a record where an employee ID has been entered, the system brings employee profile data into the new application that is created.

After you save the record, changes to the employee ID do not affect any other fields. Additionally, when you view applicant data on the Manage Applicant page, the Employee ID field is hidden when the applicant type is External.

See Understanding Profile Information in Job Applications.


Use this group box to enter name information for the applicant. The specific fields for the applicant’s name depend on the name format. For more information about defining name formats, see Setting Up Additional Name Information.

PeopleSoft HCM supports alternate character data entry to enable users to use two character sets for one language. This architecture is described in the topic Working with Alternate Character Sets.

The Alternate Character Name field appears if alternate character setting on the Org Defaults by Permission Lst - Defaults Page is enabled for the user’s primary permission list and if the Format Using field is Chinese , Hong Kong, or Japanese.


Use this group box to enter a single address for the applicant. The fields that appear change depending on the country that you select in the Country field. Define address formats on the Display and Print Page in the Country Table (COUNTRY_TABLE) component.

The Alternate Character fields within the Address group box appears if alternate character functionality is enabled for the user’s primary permission list and if the Country in the Address group box is China, Hong Kong, or Japan.

Address fields (with lookup) appear as drop-down by default. However, this configuration can be changed from the framework using the Country Format setup. For more information, see Entry and Validation Page

Note: The system displays warning messages when any address fields are left blank. If it is not a mandatory field, the user can ignore the message and save the data.

Applicant Status

Field or Control


Status Code

Select a status code. This is the overall applicant status, not the applicant's disposition with regards to any particular job opening.

You can use the statuses that are provided with the PeopleSoft system, or you can define your own statuses on the Recruiting Status and Reason Page. As delivered, the statues are:

  • Active: This is the default status for new applicants.

    The system also assigns this status when an applicant's resume is in a Success status as part of the resume extraction process.

  • Hired: The delivered status change effect rules ensure that the applicant's overall status is set to Hired when the applicant's disposition for a particular job opening changes to Hired.

  • Inactive: Under the delivered installation settings, the system uses this status to inactivate duplicate records during the applicant merge process.

    The system also assigns this status when an applicant's resume is in a Rejected status as part of the batch resume extraction process, which you run from the Load Resume - Prepare Load Parameters Page.

    Under the delivered status change effects, when you change an applicant's status to Inactive, the applicant's disposition for any job openings that they have applied for is set to Withdrawn. The system excludes inactive applicants from job opening screening.

  • Queued: The system assigns this status when an applicant's resume is in a Draft or Unresolved status as part of the resume extraction process.

    A recruiter could also set this status to indicate that additional information needs to be collected or some other action is needed before the applicant becomes active.

Status Reason

Select a status reason. Define status reasons for status codes on the Recruiting Status and Reason Page.

Status Date

Enter a status date.

The date defaults to the system date. You can use this date for equal employment opportunity (EEO) reporting and other auditing functions.

Registered Online

This field is not visible in add mode (on the Create Applicant page), but it appears when you view personal information on the Manage Applicant page: Applicant Data page.

This read-only field displays Yes or No to indicate whether the applicant is a registered user of Candidate Gateway. The value remains Yes even if the Candidate Gateway account is deactivated.

Inactivate Online Account

This field is visible only if the Registered Online field is Yes. Like the Registered Online field, is it not visible in add mode (on the Create Applicant page). Instead, it appears when you view personal information on the Manage Applicant page: Applicant Data page.

Select this check box to make the applicant’s Candidate Gateway account inactive. Deselect the checkbox to reactivate the account.

You cannot reactivate accounts that deactivated by the applicant merge process. The system recognizes such accounts by their status, which indicates that the account was a duplicate.

Email Addresses

Use this group box to enter email address information for the applicant. The Email Address Required field on the Recruiting Installation – Applicants Page controls whether applicants who register in Candidate Gateway are required to supply an address, but it does not effect whether an email address is required in this grid.

Field or Control



If any email addresses are listed, one must be marked as primary. The system uses this email address when sending correspondence and notifications. The preferred email address also appears on the My Applicants pagelet on the Recruiting Home page.

Email Type and Email Address

Enter the applicant’s email address and identify it as Business, Campus, Dormitory, Home, or Other. You cannot have more than one email address for each email type.

Phone Numbers

Use this group box to enter phone information for the applicant.

Field or Control



If any phone numbers are listed, one must be marked as primary. The preferred phone number also appears on the My Applicants pagelet on the Recruiting Home page.

Phone Type

Identify each phone number as Business, Campus, Cellular, Dormitory, Fax, Home, Main, Other, Pager 1, Pager 2, or Telex. You cannot have more than phone number for each phone type.

Telephone, Extension, and Country Code

Enter the phone number.

Use the Create Applicant page: Applications tab (HRS_ADD_APPLICANT) to review a list of the applicant's job applications.

Note: This tab appears on the Create Applicant page after you have saved the record. There is no equivalent section header on the Manage Applicant page: Applicant Data tab. Instead, the Manage Applicant page provides access to applications from the Applicant Activity tab.


Recruiting > Create Applicant

Access the Applications tab.

This example illustrates the Create Applicant page: Applications tab.

Create Applicant page: Applications tab

Note: You can create multiple applications for an applicant.


This grid lists the applicant’s applications. There is always at least one application because the system creates an application when you first save the applicant record.

Field or Control


Resume Title

Displays the title of the resume that is associated with the application. If the application does not include a resume, or if the resume has no title, this field displays No Resume Title Entered.

Last Updated and Last Updated By

These fields display information about the last update to the application data.

Edit iconEdit Application Details

Click this link to access the Application Details page, where you can view and modify the application data.

Remember that the system creates a blank application when you first save the applicant record. The best practice is to use this existing application for the applicant’s first job application. Until you enter a job opening ID for the application, the application is considered to be an application without a job opening.

If you exit the Create Applicant component, use the Edit Application Details action to access and update the existing application.

See Understanding Actions for Managing Applicants.

Add Application

Click this link to access the Application Details page for a new application.

Use the Create Applicant page: References tab (HRS_ADD_APPLICANT) to review references for an applicant, and add and edit references. You can also manage this data on the Manage Applicant page: Applicant Data tab: References subsection.


  • Recruiting > Create Applicant

    Access the References tab.

  • Recruiting > Search Applicants

    Click an applicant name to access the Manage Applicant page, then access the Applicant Data tab: References subsection.

This example illustrates the Create Applicant page: References tab.

Create Applicant page: References tab


Use this group box to view summary information about each reference. This data comes from the Reference Details Page.

Field or Control


Edit iconEdit References

Click to access the Reference Details page. Use the Reference Details page to view and edit detailed information about the reference.

Additional Buttons

Field or Control


Add Reference

Click to access the Reference Details page, where you can enter new reference information for the applicant.

Request Reference

Click to send a request for references email notification (HRS_UPDATE_REFERENCES) to the applicant. The applicant must have a primary email address so that the system can send this request.

The notification instructs the applicant to use Candidate Gateway to enter reference information. If the applicant is not yet a registered user of Candidate Gateway, the system generates a Candidate Gateway user ID and password for the applicant and includes them in the email notification. By using these system-generated logon credentials, the applicant ensures that the Candidate Gateway account is properly associated with the existing applicant record. The auto-generated password is valid for a single use, and the applicant is prompted to change the password immediately after signing in.

In Candidate Gateway, the Notifications page displays the request for references. The applicant must click the notification link to access the page where reference information is entered.

Use the Reference Details page (HRS_APP_REF_SEC) to add or edit reference information.


On the Create Applicant page or the Manage Applicant page, first access the References section. Next, click the Add Reference button or, to modify an existing record, click the Edit icon.

This example illustrates the Reference Details page.

Reference Details page

Enter information about the person who provided the reference, then use the Comments field to record your notes.

Use the Create Applicant page: Eligibility & Identity tab (HRS_ADD_APPLICANT) to enter eligibility and identity information for an applicant. You can also manage this data on the Manage Applicant page: Applicant Data tab: Eligibility & Identity subsection.

Important! This tab contains sensitive information and is therefore visible only to recruiting administrators.


  • Recruiting > Create Applicant

    Access the Eligibility & Identity tab.

  • Recruiting > Search Applicants

    Click an applicant name to access the Manage Applicant page, then access the Applicant Data tab: Eligibility & Identity subsection.

This is the first of four examples that illustrate the Create Applicant page: Eligibility & Identity tab.

Create Applicant page: Eligibility and Identity tab (1 of 4)

This is the second of four examples that illustrate the Create Applicant page: Eligibility & Identity tab.

Create Applicant page: Eligibility and Identity tab (2 of 4)

This is the third of four examples that illustrate the Create Applicant page: Eligibility & Identity tab.

Create Applicant page: Eligibility and Identity tab (3 of 4)

This is the fourth of four examples that illustrate the Create Applicant page: Eligibility & Identity tab.

Create Applicant page: Eligibility and Identity tab (4 of 4)

Personal Information

Use this group box to enter date of birth, gender, and marital status and, in U.S. Federal implementations, to enter an ethnic group.

Date of birth and gender can be used to screen applicants. Date of birth is used to calculate the applicant's age and is compared to the Maximum and Minimum Age fields on the Job Opening page.

Country-Specific Information

Enter additional country-specific information for applicants. Entering citizenship information for an applicant is similar to entering citizenship information for an employee.

See Add a Person or Modify a Person - Regional Page.

(USA) Ethnicity and Veteran Information for the United States

If applicants supply ethnicity and veteran information through Candidate Gateway, that information appears in the USA section of the Eligibility & Identity page.

Note: The U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) issues regulations related to collecting Veteran information from applicants. In Candidate Gateway, settings on the Site Setup Page control whether applicants are invited to self-identify as veterans while applying for jobs.

This example illustrates the fields in the USA section of the Eligibility & Identity tab.

&USA Eligibility & Identity information

Note: The Ethnic Group scroll area does not appear here in a U.S. Federal system. Instead, Ethnic Group information appears in the Personal Information group box.

Field or Control


Ethnic Group

Ethnic group information appears in a scroll area regardless of whether you use the two-question format for collecting the information. If you use the two-question format and an applicant answers Yes to the question Are you Hispanic or Latino, then the system inserts a row for the ethnic group Hispanic/Latino in addition to one or more rows for the applicant’s answer to the question What is your race?

Effective Date

For veteran data that is collected in Candidate Gateway, the effective date is the date that the application was submitted.

Military Status

For veteran data that is collected in Candidate Gateway, this field displays the military status that corresponds to information that the applicant provided on the Veteran page.

For information about how the self-identification options map to Military Status values, refer to the documentation for the Veteran page in the topics Applying for Jobs and Using Fluid Candidate Gateway to Apply for Jobs.

Military Discharge Date

For veteran data that is collected in Candidate Gateway, this field displays the date, if any, that the applicant entered in the Military Discharge Date field on the Veteran page.

National Identification

Field or Control


Add National Identificationand Edit National ID

Click to access the National ID page, where you can enter new or edit existing national ID information for the applicant. Entering national ID information for an applicant is similar to entering national ID information for an employee.

See Biographical Details Page.


Field or Control


Add Citizenshipand Edit Citizenship Details

Click to access the Citizenship page, where you can enter new or edit existing citizenship information for the applicant. Entering citizenship information for an applicant is similar to entering citizenship information for an employee.

See Citizenship/Passport Page.

Visa Permit

Field or Control


Add Visa Permit and Edit Visa Permit Details

Click to access the Visa Permit Details page, where you can enter new or edit existing visa permit details. Entering visa information for an applicant is similar to entering visa information for an employee.

See Visa/Permit Data Page.

Bank Accounts

Field or Control


Add Bank Account and Edit Bank Account

Click to access the Bank Account page, where you can enter new or edit existing bank account information for the applicant. Entering bank account information for an applicant is similar to entering bank account information for an employee.

See Maintain Bank Accounts Page.

Applicant Disability

Use this group box to mark an applicant as having a disability and to enter country-specific disability information. Entering disability information for an applicant is similar to entering disability information for an employee.

See Disability Page.

Note: The U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) issues regulations related to collecting disability information from applicants. In Candidate Gateway, settings on the Site Setup Page control whether applicants are invited to self-identify their disability status while applying for jobs.

Field or Control


Disability (not country-specific)

Changes to the USA disability status (in the Section 503 Disability Status group box in the USA section) flow through to this non-country-specific check box:

  • A Section 503 Disability Status of Disabled selects this check box.

  • A Section 503 Disability Status of Not Disabled deselects this check box.

  • A Section 503 Disability Status of Not Indicated has no effect on this check box.

Changes to the non-country-specific check box do not change the value of the Section 505 disability status.

This check box does is not affected by (and does not affect) the Disabled Veteran check box.

(USA) Disability Status

For disability data that is collected in Candidate Gateway, this field displays a status that corresponds to the applicant’s self-identified disability information.

  • Disabled corresponds to the self-identified YES, I HAVE A DISABLITY (or previously had a disability) option.

  • Not Disabled corresponds to the self-identified NO, I DON’T HAVE A DISABILITY option.

  • Not Indicated corresponds to the self-identified I DON’T WISH TO ANSWER option. This value is also used when an applicant is invited to provide disability information but does not provide any.

View History

Click to access the Disability History page, where you can view the applicant’s disability status over time.

(USA) Disclosure Date

For data that is collected in Candidate Gateway, the disclosure date is the date that the application was submitted.

(USA) Disabled Veteran

If the applicant selected the Disabled Veteran check box on the Veteran page in Candidate Gateway, this check box is selected.

Accommodation Request

Use this group box to enter accommodation requests for an applicant with a disability. Entering accommodation requests for an applicant is similar to entering accommodation requests for an employee.

See Accommodation Request Page.

Accommodation Options

Use this group box to enter accommodation options for an applicant with a disability. Entering accommodation options for an applicant is similar to entering accommodation options for an employee.

See Accommodation Option Page.

Use the National ID page (HRS_APP_NID) to enter national ID information for an applicant.


On the Create Applicant page or the Manage Applicant page, first access the Eligibility & Identity section. Next, click the Add National Identification button or, to modify an existing record, click the Edit icon.

This example illustrates the National Identification page.

National Identification page

Use the Citizenship page (HRS_APP_CIT_PSP1) to enter citizenship information for an applicant.


On the Create Applicant page or the Manage Applicant page, first access the Eligibility & Identity section. Next, click the Add Citizenship button or, to modify an existing record, click the Edit icon.

This example illustrates the Citizenship page.

Citizenship page

Use the Visa Permit page (HRS_APP_VSA_PMT1) to enter visa permit information for an applicant.


On the Create Applicant page or the Manage Applicant page, first access the Eligibility & Identity section. Next, click the Add Visa Permit button or, to modify an existing record, click the Edit icon.

This example illustrates the Visa Permit page.

Visa Permit page

Use the Bank Account page (HRS_APP_BANKACCT) to enter bank account information for an applicant.


On the Create Applicant page or the Manage Applicant page, first access the Eligibility & Identity section. Next, click the Add Bank Account button or, to modify an existing record, click the Edit icon.

This example illustrates the Bank Account page.

Bank Account page

Use the Disability History page (HRS_DISUSA_AUD_SEC) to view an applicant’s disability status history.


On the Create Applicant page or the Manage Applicant page, first access the Eligibility & Identity section. Next, click the View History link in the USA section of the Applicant Disability section.

This example illustrates the Disability History page.

Disability History page

Candidate Gateway adds rows to the disability history when an applicant submits an application that included the Disability page (regardless of whether the applicant entered any disability information).

Talent Acquisition Manager adds rows to the disability history when a user saves a change to the Disability Status field in the applicant’s Eligibility & Identity information.

Field or Control


Audit Date/Time

Displays the date and time that the data was saved.

Audit User ID

Displays the user ID of the person who saved the data. For external applicants, the user ID is the guest user ID that provides access to the Candidate Gateway site.

Disability Status

Displays the disability status that was saved on the specified date and time. This field is blank if an applicant who saw the Disability page in Candidate Gateway did not select any value.

Applicant Signature

If an applicant provided disability information in Candidate Gateway, the applicant’s name appears here.

This field is blank if the applicant saw the Disability page but did not provide any information. The field is also blank if the disability status was entered in Talent Acquisition Manager.

Disclosure Date

If an applicant provided the information in a Candidate Gateway job application, the disclosure date is the date that the application was submitted.

If a Talent Acquisition Manager user entered the information, the user manually specifies the disclosure date.

Presented Disability Form

Displays N (No) if the information was entered in Talent Acquisition Manager and the applicant has not previously been presented with the Disability page in Candidate Gateway.

Displays Y (Yes) starting with the first row that represents a Candidate Gateway job application that included the Disability page. After the applicant has seen the disability form once, all subsequent history rows have a Y in this field.