Understanding Recruiting Search Indexes

PeopleSoft Recruiting Solutions uses the PeopleTools Search Framework for several applicant-related and job-related searches.

The PeopleTools: Search Technology documentation provides information about configuring the framework itself, while this topic provides information specific to recruiting solutions.

PeopleSoft Recruiting Solutions uses the PeopleTools Search Framework (which accesses its underlying search engine by way of Integration Broker) to generate search results for various applicant and job searches. To perform searches, the system uses a set of indexes that contain the relevant data, it does not search the database tables directly. The index must be routinely updated to reflect the latest database changes.

Indexes are based on PeopleTools Search Framework search definitions, which in turn belong to search categories.

Oracle delivers the following search definitions to support recruiting searches:







  • HC_JPM_PERSON_PROFILE (also supports profile searching in PeopleSoft Human Resources)

  • HC_JPM_NONPERSON_PROFILE (also supports profile searching in PeopleSoft Human Resources)


The following table lists the recruiting search pages that use the PeopleTools Search Framework and identifies the search definitions and search categories that support each page. The table also identifies which categories are auto-deployed when the search definition is deployed and which categories must be manually deployed.

Note: Not all recruiting search pages use the PeopleTools Search Framework. The Search Applicants Page: Quick Search Tab, the Search Applications Page, and the Search Job Openings Page perform standard database searches rather than PeopleTools Search Framework searches.



Search Definitions

Search Category

Browse Applicants Page

Keyword searching and faceted searches for applicants.


HC_HRS_APPLICANT (auto-deployed when index is deployed)

Search Applicants Page: Keyword Search Tab

Keyword searching for applicants.


HC_HRS_APP_INDEX (auto-deployed when index is deployed)

Search Applicants Page: Advanced Search Tab

Advanced searching for applicants.


HC_HRS_APP_INDEX (auto-deployed when index is deployed)

Run Automatch Search Page

Runs an Application Engine process to run saved applicant searches, including keyword searches and advanced searches.


HC_HRS_APP_INDEX (auto-deployed when index is deployed)

Global Search for Applicants

Global search for applicants.


HC_HRS_APP_INDEX_GS (must be manually deployed)

Note: This search definition belongs to two different search categories. The search category for the applicant global search , HC_HRS_APP_INDEX_GS, must be manually deployed. The search category used in for the other applicant searches are auto-deployed.

Browse Job Openings Page

Keyword searching and faceted searches for job openings.


HC_HRS_JOB_OPENING (auto-deployed when index is deployed)

Job Search Page (Classic Candidate Gateway)

and Search Jobs Page (Fluid Candidate Gateway)

Applicant-facing job posting search (in Candidate Gateway).


HC_HRS_CG_JOB_POSTING (must be manually deployed)

Note: This search definition belongs to two different search categories so that different search facets can be used in Candidate Gateway and in Talent Acquisition Manager. The Candidate Gateway search category, HC_HRS_CG_JOB_POSTING, must be manually deployed. The search category used in Talent Acquisition Manager is auto-deployed. See Understanding Setup for Candidate Gateway Searching

Search Job Postings Page

Job posting search in Talent Acquisition Manager


HC_HRS_JOB_POSTING (auto-deployed when index is deployed)

Global Search for Job Postings

Global search for job postings.


HC_HRS_JOB_POSTING (auto-deployed when index is deployed)

Search Applicants Page: Profile Match Tab

Search for job openings, applicants, or employees with profiles similar to another job opening, applicant, or employee.

  • HC_HRS_APPLICATION_CONTENT (applicant profile data)

  • HC_HRS_JOB_CONTENT (job opening profile data)

  • HC_JPM_PERSON_PROFILE (employee profile data)

  • HC_JPM_NONPERSON_PROFILE (nonperson profile data)

  • HC_HRS_APPLICATION_CONTENT and HC_HRS_JOB_CONTENT have identically-named search categories that are auto-deployed when index is deployed.

  • HC_JPM_PERSON_PROFILE and HC_JPM_NONPERSON_PROFILE use the HC_JPM_PROFILES search category, which must be manually deployed.

Search My Profile Page (Candidate Gateway)

Internal applicants (employees) use this Candidate Gateway page to search for job openings that match their own profiles.

  • HC_HRS_JOB_CONTENT (job opening profile data)

  • HC_JPM_PERSON_PROFILE (employee profile data)

  • HC_JPM_NONPERSON_PROFILE (nonperson profile data)

  • HC_HRS_JOB_CONTENT has an identically-named search categories that is auto-deployed when index is deployed.

  • HC_JPM_PERSON_PROFILE and HC_JPM_NONPERSON_PROFILE use the HC_JPM_PROFILES search category, which must be manually deployed.

Unmapped Data Page

Search for data mapping suggestions to facilitate the process of mapping unmapped incoming data to values defined in Data Mapping Categories.


HC_HRS_DATA_MAP (auto-deployed when index is deployed)

PeopleSoft Search Technology provides a search administration interface that you use to deploy search definitions and categories and to schedule index builds. You can build indexes in two modes: full mode or incremental mode. Use the full mode to build an index for the first time or to rebuild it from scratch. After an index has been built, use incremental builds to update it.

PeopleSoft Recruiting Solutions tracks the last updated date and time for all indexed objects. The PeopleSoft Search Framework uses this information to recognize data changes that need to be incorporated into the search index during incremental index builds. The time lag before an index reflects data changes depends on the indexing schedule that the search administrator configures.

See Deploying and Building Recruiting Search Indexes for instructions on building the recruiting search indexes. For more detailed information about search tools, refer to PeopleTools: Search Technology

Several search pages provide faceted searching, where specific fields, or facets, can be used as filters to categorize and narrow down a list of objects. For example, on the Browse Job Openings page, one of the delivered facets is the Hiring Manager field. The Hiring Manager facet displays a list of the primary hiring managers for the job openings listed on the page. Clicking a hiring manager narrows down the list of job openings to include only openings with the selected primary hiring manager.

Search definitions control which fields are available as facets. Before changing the delivered facets, consider that the number of available facets affects performance as well as usability.

Search categories enable you to choose a subset of the available facets to activate. For example, the HC_HRS_JOB_POSTING search definition is used to index job posting data, and several fields are marked as facets. However, this search definition is used in two different pages that offer faceted searching: the Candidate Gateway job posting search, and the recruiter-facing job posting search. Some facets that are useful to a recruiter, such as the posting type (internal or external), would not be appropriate for an applicant. So the search definition belongs to two search categories, each of which activates a different subset of the available facets.

See Configuring Recruiting Search Facets for information on modifying facets for recruiting pages.

The PeopleTools Search Framework and its underlying search engine can have a system-wide setting for the maximum number of search results.

Certain recruiting searches have an additional limit on the number of search results. The system always uses the lower of the system-wide maximum or the search-specific maximum.

The Browse Applicants page and the Browse Job Openings page both have a (non-configurable) maximum of 300 results.

The Candidate Gateway job search has a configurable maximum. To restrict search results to fewer than the system-wide maximum, enter the lower maximum in the Max Jobs Returned from Search field on the Recruiting Installation – Jobs Page.