Configuring Text on Candidate Gateway Pages

This topic provides an overview of Text Catalog configuration for Candidate Gateway and describes how to:

  • Identify Text IDs for specific page elements.

  • Maintain Text Catalog entries for Candidate Gateway.

Note: This topic provides summary information about using the Text Catalog for Candidate Gateway. Refer to the complete Text Catalog documentation for more detailed information.

See Configuring the Text Catalog.

Page Name

Definition Name


Configure Text Catalog Page: General tab


Control whether Candidate Gateway pages display context-sensitive text or Text Catalog IDs.

See Identifying Text IDs for Specific Page Elements

Maintain Text Catalog Page


Define text catalog entries, and define the values for context-sensitive keys.

See Maintaining Text Catalog Entries for Candidate Gateway.

The Text Catalog is a common framework for controlling text that appears on PeopleSoft HCM self-service pages. The Text Catalog enables you to modify page text through configuration rather than customization. Use the Text Catalog to configure page elements such as field labels, button names, links, page instructions, and warnings.

Context-Sensitive Text

Entries in the Text Catalog are context-sensitive, allowing a particular piece of text on a page to vary. The owner ID of each Text Catalog entry determines which fields are used to control the variable text.

The Text Catalog entries for Candidate Gateway have the owner ID HRAM, and the context keys are Site ID and Applicant Type. This means that you can vary the text by any combination of site and applicant type.

For example, if you have different sites in different countries, and the terms & agreements for submitting an application vary by country, then you can use the Text Catalog to specify appropriate terms & agreements text for each country's site.

Text Catalog IDs

To modify the text for a particular page element, you need to know its Text Catalog ID. To help you, the Configure Text Catalog page includes a Display Text ID check box that you can select to make Candidate Gateway pages display the Text Catalog ID rather than the text.

Important! Equivalent pages in Classic and Fluid pages use different text catalog IDs. This architecture lets you optimize labels and instructions for each interface. When you implement Fluid Candidate Gateway, any changes you have made to text catalog entries for Classic pages are not present on the corresponding Fluid pages.

Use the General tab on the Configure Text Catalog page (HR_SSTEXT_CFG) to control whether Candidate Gateway pages display context-sensitive text or Text Catalog IDs.


Set Up HCM > Common Definitions > Text Catalog and Notepad > Configure Text Catalog > Configure Text Catalog

This example illustrates the Configure Text Catalog page: General tab.

Configure Text Catalog page: General tab

Field or Control


Display Text ID

To make Candidate Gateway pages display the text IDs for all Text Catalog objects, locate the row for the Object Owner Identifier HRAM and select the Display Text ID check box.


The following images illustrate the effect of the Display Text ID check box.

This illustration shows a step in the Classic Candidate Gateway guided application process as it normally appears to applicants:

Candidate Gateway application step in regular display mode

This illustration shows the same step as it appears when the Display Text ID check box is selected for the HRAM object owner. In this mode, the page displays text IDs rather than text for the page elements that are controlled by the Text Catalog.

Notice that there is an extra text catalog entry, HRAM_CE_SINST_02, above the Work Experience grid. You can use this to provide additional instructional text related to the grid. If the text catalog entry does not have any text, nothing appears on the page. Similar text catalog entries exist for other grids on the job application pages.

Candidate Gateway application step in Text ID display mode

Instructional Text for Resume Template Sections

Most sections in the job application include placeholder text catalog entries where you can add instructional text. The following table identifies these sections and their text catalog entries.

Note that the text catalog IDs for classic and fluid pages are the same except that the IDs for classic pages have the letters CE where the IDs for fluid pages have the letters FL.

Resume Template Section

Classic Candidate Gateway Text Catalog ID for Instructional Text

Fluid Candidate Gateway Text Catalog ID for Instructional Text


HRAM_CE_SINST_37 (delivered non-blank)

HRAM_FL_SINST_37 (delivered non-blank)


HRAM_CERES_PT01 (delivered non-blank)

HRAM_FLRES_PT01 (delivered non-blank)

Cover Letter

HRAM_CECOV_PT01 (delivered non-blank)

HRAM_FLCOV_PT01 (delivered non-blank)




(USF) Federal Preferences


HRAM_FL_SINST_05 (delivered non-blank in Fluid Candidate Gateway

Education History



Work Experience






(USF) Priority Placement


HRAM_FL_SINST_14 (delivered non-blank in Fluid Candidate Gateway)

Profile sections, when no rows of data are present.



Profile sections, when at least one row of data is present and the applicant is allowed to add rows.



Profile sections, when the applicant is not allowed to add rows.






Personal Information



Application Questionnaire






(USA) Diversity

HRAM_CE_SINST_36 (delivered non-blank)

HRAM_FL_SINST_36 (delivered non-blank)

Review and Submit

HRAM_CE_SINST_38 (delivered non-blank)

HRAM_FL_SINST_38 (delivered non-blank)

Use the Maintain Text Catalog page (HR_SSTEXT_TEXT) to define text catalog entries and to define the values for context-sensitive keys.


Set Up HCM > Common Definitions > Text Catalog and Notepad > Maintain Text Catalog

This example illustrates a text catalog entry where different text is associated with different context keys.

Maintain Text Catalog page

Field or Control


Owner ID (label is invisible)

On this illustration, the text RS Applicant Manager is the description for the owner ID HRAM, which identifies this as a Candidate Gateway entry in the catalog.

Context Keys and Text

Field or Control


Site ID and Applicant Type

Site ID and Applicant Type are the pre-defined context keys for Candidate Gateway.

Each text ID and effective date combination needs a default value where both the Site ID and Applicant Type fields are blank. The system uses this entry when context-specific text does not exist.

For example, if you have five sites, and four of them use the same set of terms & agreements while one uses a different set of terms & agreements, then you would create one site-specific entry for the unique site, but you would not need to create entries for the other four sites, which all use the default text.

<Text Box>

Although the text catalog framework allows long text entries, the page element where the text appears at runtime can have a lower character limit, resulting in truncated text. Any time you change a delivered text catalog entry, be sure to test your change. If the entry is truncated, you must shorten your text.