Understanding Setup for Candidate Gateway Searching

This topic provides an overview of setting up searching for Candidate Gateway and provides links to more detailed instructions.

Candidate Gateway uses the PeopleSoft Search Framework for job searching. Before applicants can search for jobs, you must deploy the necessary search definitions and search categories and build the indexes. Until this is done, the Job Search page cannot show any job postings.

The following table summarizes the search definitions and associated search categories that are used for Candidate Gateway searches. The table also identifies which categories are auto-deployed when the search definition is deployed and which categories must be manually deployed.

Search Definition

Search Category



HC_HRS_CG_JOB_POSTING (must be manually deployed)

This index contains job posting data for the Job Search page.


HC_HRS_JOB_CONTENT (auto-deployed)

This index contains job posting profile data for the Search My Profile search.



HC_JPM_PROFILES (must be manually deployed)

These indexes contain employee profile data and non-person profile data (such as interest profiles or job codes profiles) for the Search My Profile search.

Note: Do not be misled by the fact that the HC_HRS_JOB_POSTING search definition auto-deploys a same-named category. The auto-deployed category supports Talent Acquisition Manager searches, not the Candidate Gateway job search.

For more information about the PeopleTools Search Framework, search definitions, and search categories, refer to PeopleTools: Search Technology

The Job Search page in Candidate Gateway provides faceted searching. Faceted job searching allows browsing jobs from a set of pre-determined categories which appear in the Filter By area of the page. Clicking a Filter By value narrows down the list of jobs accordingly.

For example, one of the delivered facets is for the job’s recruiting location. The “Filter By” area of the page has a Location filter. This filter includes by links representing the recruiting locations for all of the jobs in the search results. Selecting a location narrows down the list to include only postings with the selected location.

Faceted searching is a feature of the PeopleTools Search Framework. For the Job Search page, fields are marked as potential facets in the HC_HRS_JOB_POSTING search definition, and they are activated in the HC_HRS_CG_JOB_POSTING search category.

For instructions on adding and removing facets from a search, see Configuring Recruiting Search Facets.

Delivered Facets

As delivered, the Job Search page has the following facets:

  • Location (recruiting location)

  • Department

  • Job Family

  • Jobs Posted In

Facet Options for the Job Posting Date

Oracle delivers two options for a facet that helps applicants filter postings by the posting date.

  • The Jobs Posted In facet offers hierarchical filtering based first on the year that the job was posted and then, after an applicant selects a year, based on the month that the job was posted.

  • The Jobs Posted Within facet, which requires PeopleTools 8.54 or later, filters based on how recently the job was posted. Examples of filtering options include Last Week, Last Month, and so forth.

Note: To ensure compatibility with versions of PeopleTools earlier than 8.54, the Job Search page is delivered with the Jobs Posted In facet. If you are using PeopleTools 8.54 or later, you can deactivate this facet and activate the Jobs Posted Within facet instead. For instructions, see Configuring Recruiting Search Facets.

Enabling Additional Facets

The following fields are marked as facets in the search definition and can be added to the Job Search page simply by adding them to the facet list in the HC_HRS_CG_JOB_POSTING search category:

  • Business Unit

  • Close Date (the facet label is “Job Closing In”)

    Note: This facet requires additional configuration to set up relative date range filters such as More than 7 days. For detailed instructions, see Configuring Recruiting Search Facets

  • Desired Shift

  • Full/Part Time Status

  • Job Function

  • Regular/Temporary Position

To add other facets, you need to modify both the search definition and the search category.

Note: The Type field (internal or external posting) and the My Association field (recruiter, hiring manager, and so forth) are marked as facets in the search definition. However, they should not be added to the HC_HRS_CG_JOB_POSTING search category for Candidate Gateway. They are marked as facets for Global Search in Talent Acquisition Manager, which uses the same search definition with a different search category. To avoid accidentally activating these facets for Candidate Gateway, do not use the Auto-Detect Facets option for the HC_HRS_CG_JOB_POSTING search category.

Use the Build Search Index Settings page to specify an earliest posting date for the search index. If you specify a date, any jobs posted before this date are excluded from the index.

Regardless of whether you specify an earliest posting date, the search index includes only postings for job openings that:

  • Are in an open status.

  • Are currently posted (internally or externally) to a Candidate Gateway site.

See Build Search Index Settings Page

After you configure facets and define the earliest posting date for indexed job, you can build the search indexes for Candidate Gateway.

See Building Recruiting Search Indexes.